Parents of shit
" The big news history is what mothers instigators and accomplices. Not lupe Arcore, but these mothers-mistress who invest and profit from the sex of her daughters, mothers who break the cage, seemingly impregnable, the Italian identity of the mother hen, the "beautiful are all the mothers of the world", the Holy Family, a showcase of traditional values: the possible marriage of love, motherhood, dignity. It made me smile when my mother to my sister's make-up eyes that said: "What are all these buttanesimi?". I wonder how we would react us brothers, fathers and boyfriends before the mother of Elisa that accounts with greed: "Six thousand euro, you understand, there are twelve million old lire." It is a mother who prepares strategies when the daughter tells her that "he would see me well to work in Pubblitalia. Mom is a realistic and practical: "If we go wrong, patience, time goes so well." And maybe Elisa it suffers a little, but certainly his mother Berlusconi's never enough, "I said when I can review?". There is nothing special in lupe Arcore in escort in sex workers and even less in their bickering, insults and in rivalry with her cheeks burning - "they kill each other," confesses Berardi Iris - I'm a classic farce scollacciata, a topos of the city where theater beating him, pulling the hair of the goat and contending for the money the Filumena Marturano have always been the laughing Lele Mora and Emilio Fede on duty. But otherwise are very special mothers of Elisa, Sarah, Naomi and many more mothers are bricks-and before the mental and physical exhaustion, that always accompanies the most crude and heavy flavors of life ("I am in a pitiful state"), shamelessly minimize (and will never ") and highlight only the value of compensation" six thousand euro, you said nothing. " Here are mothers who resemble "Parrini, lenivano those who abused their bodies in exchange for the fortnight, but the acid benevolent witches that prepares and compresses dosavano and turns the tea and the rest at yield, and while tying Rotoloni money spago.E with the fathers, who were once the armed wing of education, now, as the brothers seem assistant pimps. And there is Mr. Fagg Barbara who teaches her the art of love: "You now have to show him that you're close. "And dad calls to say Guerra Barbara Berlusconi that" my father, for the great respect he has against him is ready to put a bug in the seat of Finian: "I tell him that we have the keys. "Even the boyfriends, who once were jealous, are now minority shareholders of the embraces of others, like Ale which claims that its earnings will Imma 'clothes', ie the money" ... I think that does not give me anything. "" No? Why not, I'm sorry? I'm pissed! Oh. "" Oh love, but as I know. I do not do anything with him ...". "Oh, but you're stupid?". Sold by mothers, fathers, brothers and boyfriends Arcore the wolves are not the victims but the vanguard of a poor family that does not exist anywhere in the civilized world, and even unheard of in Italy, which is the land of Mother Mary, the birth rate, the home of presepe.Non had never been, even in large national catalog, these poor moms who faded seeking a ransom in the body of her daughters to offer it to customers old and rich and at the same time, the plastic surgeon's scalpel. There was still, in the myth of matriarchal Mediterranean and Italian mother, Mrs. Anna Palumbo collects twenty thousand euro from accountant Berlusconi: "My Noemi - told the newspaper - it is a girl that I raised in the light of the Gospel and Lord ". Naomi's face, "there are at least 17 000 euro just lifting," wrote Family Christian alterations, forgeries, an avid adolescence of her daughter on her appearance, education, family looking for redemption in the creation of an anthropology surgical success based on the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty tips and photos posted by Berlusconi manipulator Signorini, all of toast with a sugar daddy, with popes, who is both Gozzano and Freud, tenderness and pedophilia. "My husband frequents minors," said Mrs. Veronica Lario and the weekly "Who?" Letizia became the family-escort, tronista fake boyfriend, mom and dad blesses training: "My daughter calls him popes because we brought in the worship of Silvio." Sure, there are mothers in the history of Italy di Bellissima, con la popolana Anna Magnani che si illude che la bellezza possa riscattare proprio tutto e prima di tutto la povertà, e ci sono i concorsi e le selezioni per miss Italia con quell'immagine odiosa della mamma che sbottona la camicetta della figlia adolescente per attirare sul seno gli sguardi lubrici della giuria. E c'è il caso, unico e terribile, e proprio per questo ricordato dalla storia, di una tredicenne ceduta a Vittorio Emaunele II "da una bruttissima mamma" che notò Carlo Dossi "prese a circolare in carrozza". E c'è l'Italia in quella madre felliniana che trascina la figlia davanti al divo inglese, "le presento la mia bambina, sa cantare, ballare, recitare ed è stata pure a Londra. Dai, dì qualcosa..." . E la ragazza: "Salve".Ci sono insomma, nella nostra storia, le mamme disposte a tutto e magari anche ad umiliarsi ma mai a vendere le figlie e i figli, e proprio perché mamme italiane, proprio perché mamme-mammelle, perché la mamma italiana ha il fascino della fragilità e della determinazione semplice e chiara e mi vengono in mente la mamma della piccola Yara e la mamma di Sarah che, pur così diverse tra loro, trattano i giornalisti con il medesimo rigore della maternità straziata. Ci sono mamme e mogli come Marella Agnelli e come Sofia Loren e Mina e come era la stessa mamma di Berlusconi che fu l'unica cosa dolce della sua vita forsennata, o ancora - cito alla rinfusa - Luciana Castellina e Anna Craxi, Eleonora Moro, Ilary Blasi, Franca Ciampi, the Seredova Buffon, Gemma ... Calabresi, lord of Italy, master of the house, voices and faces old and new traditions of our civilization women, Italian women of today, energetic and nervous as beautiful Isabella Rossellini, Monica Bellucci or confidential and elegant as the widow of Enrico Berlinguer and Carla Fracci, and I think about how mothers were wonderfully tough Marcella Ferrara, historic collaboration of Togliatti, and Palma Bucarelli, Mrs. contemporary art. We had only Filumena Marturano, the Two Women and Anna Magnani. The Italian mothers are characters in the novel of national feelings. And there's "Mother unknown," the mother who once again has been sung in San Remo, the mother who dreams la laurea, un genero, i nipoti e diffida delle scuole di recitazione perché pensa, all'antica, che "femmina che muove l'anca / o è puttana o poco ci manca" che è certo un proverbio reazionario ma era una difesa contro questa smania di vendersi, contro i concorsi per "miss maglietta bagnata", contro le selezioni per diventare veline che - va detto chiaro - non è un mestiere. Non ci vuole il metodo Stanislavskij per trasformarsi in eccellenze del tacere agitando i fianchi, campionesse di velocità nel cambio degli stivali e dei pantaloncini corti, non è necessario frequentare l'Actor's Studio per formare corpi senza erotismo, fantasmi televisivi, lolite smaterializzate e desessualizzate, il sesso senza eros, il ballo senza flavors. Yet the occupation of these new tissue excites Italian mothers, because in fact just the "good looking" and nothing else, as demonstrated in Sanremo Elizabeth Canalis.Ma perhaps to understand the degradation and corruption of the Italian family must have seen in contrast to TV stolen from that interview the father of Ruby, the Moroccan and Muslim street vendor. Toothless, badly dressed, poor but not as corrupt as the fathers and mothers of Italian wolves, tried to expel the journalists shouted in Sicilian dialect-Moroccan "Itivinni, itivinni. And when they told him that Ruby was accusing him of beating her because she had become Catholic, "But what blows. But as a Catholic. That television had fallen ill." (La Repubblica)
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