Saturday, March 5, 2011

Break Jackson Figure Skates

"" Naples is yours "is the motto I chose for this new policy: the race for the office of mayor. Naples must in fact belong to its citizens, which today are called to take her back after that for a long, long time , "someone" has decided to dispose of it as if it were exclusively his, to robbing and exploiting their personal benefit. So this town has turned into Desert law and the law, becoming the theater of personal gain or power groups, the majority of criminals and often unexpected, in every social, economic and political, established by the public to privato.Napoli has become the most distant there may be the soul of its own inhabitants. Mismanagement that covers the entire policy, has sapped confidence in the institutions, spreading a feeling of anti-politics understandable but unacceptable, it must be defeated as soon as possible. Too much collusion between government, business and organized crime have hurt the idea of \u200b\u200bthe common good and the collective interest as priority targets to be achieved. While the links between politics opaque, cracks and Camorra, loops driven contracts with the sole aim to gain support and money in each sector (waste infrastructure) have betrayed the most basic rules democratiche.Sono years were difficult and sad, I would say dramatic, they have managed to infect the social live, mortify a community that can boast an immense historical and artistic heritage, in addition to a tradition of inclusion and acceptance that responds to the leading role that should and can have Naples in the Mediterranean, being The third village in Italy. Naples is a city that must therefore return to the hands of its people to respond to their needs. Those needs that are incompatible with the waste by the roadside, with the emergency becomes the norm, so far as to encourage citizens to become accustomed to the presence unfair and unhealthy garbage ovunque.Il terrible cycle of waste disposal is the parable of political and social degeneration unprecedented in our country and in Europe, but also the symbol of a state that takes a step back, who abdicated in itself, to leave the field open to business and the Camorra, who get rich making money on this drama unacceptable due to collusion with the public sector, to ensure that electoral support in exchange for jobs or contracts in the field of incinerators, landfills and more. A suspension in fact, democracy and the rule of law with respect to which we must and we can write the final word. A political and moral revolution, based on a change of leadership and the civilian protagonist, which may make Naples a city more livable, safe, inclusiva.Attuare this revolution is possible. Besides, if I had this feeling, I would have chosen to run for mayor. A choice that was personally difficult, said "only" by the passion and love I have for this city. My city. A choice comforted by the belief that it is not only in this project, which will see a change in the center of Naples from the national potential, transforming in un laboratorio politico-sociale innovativo che sia di esempio a tutto il paese, che pure necessita di una ventata di freschezza morale e politica dopo il berlusconismo al tracollo.In questo progetto non mi sento solo perché ci sono i napoletani, c’è un’intera città che crede al suo risveglio e che vuole esserne protagonista. Certo, senza i cittadini e le cittadine, anche la politica può risultare impotente. Ma se si uniscono le energie comuni, allora la stagione di discontinuità sarà possibile. Per questo, mi rivolgo alla città intera, chiedendo un atto di coraggio e di fiducia per sostenere una speranza che può e deve diventare realtà, se tutti noi lo vogliamo e se tutti noi ci impegniamo. Come sosteneva Paolo Borsellino in Palermo than: "We love what we do not like to be able to change." So I decided to work on a civic list that embraces the best energies of civil society, so we put at the disposal of all political forces in the center my job. I would like to make me an instrument of the new season that the Neapolitan Citizens expect, in keeping with my experience at the European Parliament in all my - yet brief - career in politics, have been animated by the same objective, namely to look to serve the country, fielding, greater transparency and more excited as I could and I can. "(Luigi De Magistris)


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