Dear boys,
next Wednesday (March 9, said "Ash Wednesday" ) will begin a more intense time of the Church, what we prepare for Easter: Lent (40 days before Easter).
Quaranta, a symbolic number
Lent comes from the Latin Lent: forty. In fact, lasts 40 days, as well as 40 days Jesus spent in the desert (Mt 4.1 to 11), such as 40 days on the mountain of Moses (Exodus 34.28) and the 40 years since the People of God in the desert before entering the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 1:3).
have 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, since Sunday does not count. Every Sunday it is the memory of the resurrection of Jesus

is a time of conversion, return to God during which every baptized is invited to rediscover the strength and vitality of his baptism. At the end of Lent, Easter is celebrated, which is the center of our faith, the day of the resurrection of Jesus through his resurrection and victory over death and sin, Jesus Christ the Son of God is revealed and open to men fullness of life in God
Conversion (from the Latin word convert: return, change) is to live a change, take a route that makes it grow. is a time of awakening, of awareness. But the Christian conversion is never complete and final. You always be made to renew, to make it stronger and more stable. Listening to the Word of God and the dialogue with the Lord in prayer, let this be made more sensitive renovation.
The Color Purple
During Lent, the liturgical color is purple . The opposite of green, which symbolizes the life that grows, recalls the purple end of the lifecycle (the vegetation that fades, to be reborn the following spring). Purple speaks thus of transformation.

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You are all invited, then, to begin Lent with a rite of ashes will take place during the Mass of WEDNESDAY March 9 at 18:00 .
Happy Lent to all e. .. do not miss it!
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