When the jasmine flower
"Now, if I wish to extend the word to a Chinese, I must ask for permission from the police. Nine forms to be completed in time d ' office. Uncomfortable, in case of urgent necessity, but acceptable, the power of the technocrats of the second century awaken suddenly, mysteriously besieged by an enemy invisibile.Più difficult to make the request to talk to someone, by chance, on the street, three days in advance on a given match by chance. What China should foresee who will cross it, for the curious of time and submit an application to the Government on trust? And if you were caught dall'improcrastinabile desire to greet a stranger? The official foreign office in Beijing is caught by a nagging thirst while trying to explain the new measures for my safety. On his desk in the basement of the barracks area, two floors below the office that issues the permits, it is clear of any object of work and flooded with water bottles left in half. Two agents, at his side, smile and contemplate the wall. A third operating a camera and is keen to show the zeal with which it takes the "lessons of behavior as Friend western journalists." Do not have it with me. Are any of the hundreds to call for urgent communications "in recent hours. The officer reads the instructions on a teleprompter. Pressed: "What you call jasmine revolution in China has nothing to do and not the subject of this amiable conversation. And since we do not know what it is, I'm not allowed to talk about." The authoritarian powers, when they lose the certainty of their omnipotence, opt for the absurd. They exhibit an efficiency unknown in democracies, but unable to dismiss the impact of simplicity, that relentless abandon their acts. There are two weeks that the country more stable and controlled the planet against the anonymous ad for a computer revolution no insurgents. It may seem strange, but more leadership is found not one is opposed, even over the Internet and became convinced that more can not be responsible for that così.Per unacceptable evidence, as subject to hostile forces, spend with the Beijing police this morning that perhaps anticipated, even in Asia, a random spring. No one dares to think the idea that the "walk for democracy", every Sunday at 14 in the heart of the most important cities, with the weeks they can collect a growing number of fans of going for a stroll in silence. For an official who woke me up at six thirty this is the problem: it must not happen that next Sunday, while the combined annual National People's Congress and Chinese People's Consultative Conference, migliaia di persone si mettano a bighellonare insieme nello stesso luogo di cento città della Cina.O meglio. Spiega che se camminare equivale a protestare, allora anche Wen Jiabao si oppone a se stesso. Il suo compito è che, qualsiasi cosa accada, nessuno ne parli. Gli viene il dubbio di aver esagerato e si corregge: l'autorizzazione di tre giorni per interpellare, filmare o fotografare un cinese sarà obbligatoria solo in una serie di "luoghi sensibili". Inizia a leggere un elenco di molti fogli: piazza Tienanmen e Wang Fujing a Pechino, piazza Renmin e il Bund a Shanghai, e qui si ferma certo che il resto della Cina in Occidente risulti ignoto. Sta dicendo che, come nel 1989 e mentre al posto dei carri armati per le strade circolano Audi blu, il motore economico del mondo riprecipita, senza una ragione, nel coprifuoco. Potrò guardare le vetrine su Jianguomennei Dajie, ma non quelle un passo più in là. Dovrò fingere di non conoscere un vicino di casa davanti al mausoleo di Mao, ma sarà lecito cenare insieme a lui attorno al lago di Houhai. La domanda su come regolarsi nel caso sia un cinese a rivolgere la parola ad uno straniero, interrompe la lezione. "Lo vede - dice il funzionario - sono i giornalisti succubi dell'America che vogliono trasformarsi nella notizia e diventare una rivoluzione, per farsi pagare immagini che essi stessi animano". La tesi è che la "rivoluzione dei gelsomini", che dovrebbe infettare la Cina con il virus libertario che ammorba il Mediterraneo, sia l'accademico show the club in the corresponding withdrawal symptoms. So: no reporters no insurgency. Not that I've only wrong, but just a cameraman and seized the Forbidden City? "You who live here - the official law - you should instead cooperate with the authorities to maintain order." Objection stops him. Because if the Chinese do not want rights, freedom and justice, but only money, the Internet has become inaccessible for days, hundreds of people were arrested, the country is occupied by soldiers and was even censored the video in which President Hu Jintao sings the popular song "What a beautiful jasmine flower"? And why I'm here now? Man walks into a swollen, in a tracksuit black, eyes red to the floor and a water bottle in hand. It is the same as last Sunday I was shadowed for three hours at Wang Fujing, that day falls asleep drunk out of my house. "For a while 'time - the official smiles as I leave - will be his assistant. If you have problems, talk to him." China thinks that the stability of its contemporary dynasty can be undermined only by an external force, unleashed far. And if you think it means that you know. "(Giampaolo Visetti-La Repubblica)
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