La Costa d'Avorio sta andando verso un periodo of turbulence and is already in place the beginnings of civil war that does not bode good. Of course, here we did not know anything and just talking about countries that have more to do directly with our realities. I've lived there seven years, from 1994 to 2000, when he was the third richest African nation, first and second in the export of cocoa in the coffee world. There I opened my import-export company, two restaurants (in the photo), I decided to live there, I got married and had three children. In 2000, however, at the beginning of the first coup, I decided to return to Italy. Today the situation has deteriorated and is moving towards civil war, although there are helmets 6000 blue to divide the contestants who do not understand well what we are doing. We are heading towards a fate such as Liberia or Sierra Leone a few years ago if not treated immediately. There is an ethnic minority, the Bete, who with President Gbagbo is not elected, he wants to stay in power by force, against President Vincent Ouattara, which represents more than the population of the North, that of Djoula, and was recognized by all the world as the true winner of the last elections. Who but the greatest number of people and has always held power since independence from France in 1960 with Houphouet Boigny, is the Akan group, which currently can not go back to the limelight. Gbagbo's men, who say the left, organized death squads, have already killed women and children in peaceful demonstrations and go from house to house to kill the opponents, a dimension inimaginabile only a few years ago. From information we have from my wife's relatives, who fled in a small village in the country of origin (a little 'how our displaced than once), the situation is very serious. My wife and I are trying to organize something to help in some way and inform international opinion. For now, who wants to participate can make donations to the account 40843039, made payable to Anthony Brindisi, causal 'For peace in Ivory Coast', and then give birth to a real departs Committee and come forward for any other initiative or idea. My e-mail address is ilgorgon@libero.it and my mobile phone 3479372251. Work in Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan and my experience and around you can find them on my blog www.ilgorgon.blogspot.com .
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