Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Luigi Tosti faceva il giudice di pace. Ora è senza lavoro e senza stipendio. Il motivo è che la Cassazione, l'estremo tribunale italiano, ha legiferato che il crocefisso, solo il crocefisso, deve essere affisso nei tribunali. Luigi Tosti invece si era rifiutato di giudicare finché il simbolo, che rendeva diseguali i cittadini davanti alla legge, non fosse stato tolto da tutti i tribunali italiani. Nei prossimi giorni l'Europa deciderà in proposito. In un mondo multietnico non si capisce perché un musulmano od un ebreo debba essere giudicato sotto una croce. Questa si chiama religione di Stato e noi invece siamo uno Stato laico, anche se con forti connotazioni cattoliche, che nessuno discute finchè non ci vengono imposte.
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Monday, March 14, 2011
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Stupisce il coraggio dei giapponesi, l'ignavia del mondo sui massacri libici, l'ignoranza e la malversazione dei nostri politicanti. Ci sono facce di bronzo che hanno lucrato sui fatti dell'Aquila e ora cercano anche di lucrare anche sui fatti giapponesi, incuranti di tutto: vite umane, catastrofi nucleari, dignità umana. Fantocci diventati ministri che difendono vecchi progetti in nome di cordate imprenditoriali che potrebbero portarci a varie catastrofi, finti giornalisti che difendono un padrone impresentabile, leggi epocali sulla giustizia fatte da ladri and criminals cloaked by good people. Surprised the organization and fortitude of the Japanese in this double disaster, it is surprising that all the Libyan people leave massacre that has rebelled against his satrap dictator, not surprising that a person lift a finger to ask what happens in Cote d ' ivory and other parts of the world. What we are now in the name of welfare at all costs?
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The Ivory Coast is heading towards a period of turbulence and is already in place the beginnings of civil war that does not bode good. Of course, here we did not know anything and just talking about countries that have to deal more directly with our reality, as the African nations of the Maghreb. I in Ivory Coast I lived there seven years, from 1994 to 2000, when he was the third African nation's richest, the first international export of cocoa and coffee in the second 'strong' world. There I had decided to live for those flows of the strange fate that makes you choose a place rather than another, I opened my import-export company, two restaurants, continuing to do freelance journalist, and I are also married by three children. In 2000, however, at the beginning of the first coup, I decided to return to Italy because I could see more prospects for me and my family. Today the situation has deteriorated and is moving towards civil war, although there are 6,000 UN peacekeepers to separate the contenders, which is not difficult to understand what we are doing. We start, perhaps, to a fate such as Liberia or Sierra Leone a few years ago, if you do not act now to stop signs of barbarism. There is an ethnic minority, the Bete, who with President Gbagbo is not elected, he wants to stay in power by force, against President Vincent Ouattara, which is more the people of Northern Ireland, one of the mostly Muslim Djoula, and that is been recognized worldwide as the real winner of the last elections. Who but the greatest number of people and has always held power since independence France, Houphouet Boigny in 1960, is the Akan group, which currently can not go back to the limelight, and leave it for fear of the bullies of the day. Gbagbo's men, who say they left, organized death squads have killed women and children in peaceful demonstrations and go from house to house to kill the opponents, a dimension inimaginabile only a few years ago. From information we have from my wife's relatives, who fled in a small village in the country of origin (a little 'how our displaced than once in the last world wars, ranging from cities in the countryside where the peasants they always had something to eat in the farmyard), the situation is very serious. My wife and I are trying to organize something to help those we can in the country, in some way inform international opinion and invent something out of this status quo. For now, who wants to participate can make donations to the account 40843039, made payable to Anthony Brindisi, causal 'For peace in Ivory Coast', thus creating a true European, and come forward for any other initiative or idea. On March 10, 2011 I wanted to send money first but I was not possible: the only way to send even in war zones, the famous 'Western Union', in Ivory Coast has stopped for now to work because of the increasing general insecurity. A bad sign. If I can not to send anything, maybe I'll go directly to one of these days, going to Ghana. As of now I thank those who will come forward, if only to raise awareness about the situation in all possible locations. My e-mail address is ilgorgon@libero.it and my mobile phone 3479372251. Work in Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan and my experience and around you can find them on my blog http://www.ilgorgon.blogspot.com/ .
"The worried look around the world has focused for weeks on events in North Africa. This, unfortunately, is passing almost unnoticed by the tragedy that we are living in the western part of the continent in the Ivory Coast, where even Once the people are paying with their blood frenzied struggle for power of two politicians, the outgoing president, Laurent Gbagbo, who does not want to go, despite his challenger, Alassane Dramane Ouattara, has won - at least on paper - the last elections. All ' a UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees), then that is not counting the 370 thousand displaced persons in Abidjan and the west of the country, in addition to the 76,956 refugees already in Liberia. In all, over 500 thousand people forced to flee from their country to escape the violence unleashed by the two factions. Poor response to the appeal. On January 14, the UN agency has launched the international community an appeal for 46 million dollars needed to cope with the influx of refugees in Liberia. So far they have come to only 5 million. Another 13 million have been pledged by donors, but only at the time promised. The situation is, however, prompting the UNHCR to launch a new appeal for the next week, hoping that this time the response of governments and international donors to be more generous. The capital less secure. Continuanointanto to deteriorate the security situation in Abidjan. Of 30 injuries and 3 deaths is the death toll from clashes in the district of Abobo marzonel 6 and the next day in the district of Cocody. Checkpoints manned by armed men continue to make dangerous journeys around the main city the country, damaging to the entire population. Where possible, UNHCR continues to provide assistance, often through local NGOs. Around the city were so far identified 20 places where large amounts of displaced persons are concentrated. In some of these places, the number and needs of the population are still under investigation, but it is certain that there is an urgent need for food and medicines. Violence is rampant throughout the country. Flared in the western regions and appears to extend from central and south-east. We have testimonies from people on the run, attempts to prevent these movements and physical abuse, rapes. As UNHCR has told the operators a girl of 21 years, succeeded in flee to Liberia with his son two years, after being beaten by the rebels for having resisted an attempted rape. And more and more refugees arrived in Liberia who report being involved in gun battles during the flight. Some of them were forced to find shelter and spent the night in the bush. With these new flows, UNHCR plans to update its operations in Liberia and adjusting the budget to prepare to assist up to 150 thousand refugees. The causes Deila crisis. ll outgoing President Laurent Gbagbo on March 7 last year, issued a decree for the nationalization of the entire supply chain of cocoa (of which Côte d'Ivoire is the world's largest producer). The decision in an attempt to answer a quella che Gbagbo definisce "l'asfissia finanziaria", imposta dal suo rivale insediatosi al governo del Paese. Manovre, queste di Ouattara, con le quali il nuovo presidente, sostenuto da gran parte della comunità internazionale, tenta di costringere Gbagbo a lasciare il potere. Finora - appoggiato dall'Onu, l'Unione Africana, l'Unione Europea e gli Stati Uniti - Ouattara è riuscito a mettere in difficoltà Gbagbo imponendo, fino al prossimo 15 marzo, il divieto di esportare caffè e cacao, da cui lo Stato ivoriano ricava gran parte delle entrate in valute estere.La reazione delle cooperative del cacao. Il divieto è stato complessivamente rispettato dagli esportatori, la maggior parte dei quali sono società multinazionali (Cargill, CEMO, Saco). But it has provoked very vigorous in particular by co-production of cocoa, which have an annual output of around 1.3 million tonnes. To stem the political and economic effects of the ban, the Gbagbo administration has decided to give the State the exclusive on purchases - at about 700 000 farmers, most of them in the south of the country - and export cocoa and coffee, confiscating stocks (between 250 and 500 000 tonnes), blocked in the ports of Abidjan and San Pedro. The banks shut their doors. Some banks have closed their doors for security reasons ", an operation shared by many other financial institutions. The result is that the entire financial system Ivorian, is increasingly isolated from the international context, making it even more difficult the lives of many families. They are citizens who, among other things, no longer able to receive aid from abroad through the money transfer service. "(La Repubblica, 03/11/2011)

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as I said during the last lesson, Saturday, April 16th from 15:00 to 16:00 , Don Gianni confess our group catechism in preparation for Easter.
I recommend:
- the PARTICIPATION (we do not want to look bad in front of the pastor that we be admitted to Confirmation next year!)
- the PREPARATION Confession (you know, in fact, that all confessions should be carefully prepared and no surprise!)
- Vi ricordo che ci incontreremo , come tutti i sabati, sul piazzale della Scuola Elementare, poi , d a lì ci recheremo in Chiesa.
- La Confessione che faremo varrà come sempre 1 presenza al catechismo .
- A proposito della preparazione alla Confessione, ogni sabato durante la lezione di catechismo, riceverete anche, a tappe, delle lezioni sul sacramento della Confessione e su come prepararlo al meglio. Le lezioni you will find them from time to time even in the space of the blog "Let us prepare to confession."
Good preparation at all!
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inform you that due to the closure of the elementary school, the catechism lesson scheduled for Saturday, March 19 has been CANCELLED. ;
The catechism will resume regular hours Saturday, March 26 at 15.00, as usual in the classroom 13 of the Elementary School.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Toe Hurts When Pressed
These days I often turn to the streets of the capital's downtown Piazza di Spagna, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza Navona, the Colosseum, Campo de 'Fiori, Pantheon, Portaportese. After 55 years living in Rome can not even recognize my eternal city. There are fighters all over the world that keep you from doing everything to do with sheriffs; police patrols, police officers, financiers in quantity; army on street corners. You sit on a wall and tell you that you can not stay, you are constantly demanding the documents, look at you wrong. The other day I walked into a bar in front of the Trinità dei Monti at the time of going to the cashier I noticed that the money I would have been enough to pay for what I consumed. I was nearly brought to jail for a few euro, I have made the moral and the traffic policeman on duty told me to not see me around more. Then he came back to chase the Bengalis who were selling the fish with bubbles for children or offering roses without disturbing anyone. Then he discovers that three policemen and a fireman would have raped the woman spoken of below, others have done strange things like maybe Marrazzo fit with the trans and I meet a lot to say the least then we suspect that if you look askance at the jacket unbuttoned. But who are these maintained and who pays them to do virtually anything. I see them only to pursue poor people trying to sell a stock, kicking ass in the gypsies, who act as escorts and escort stealing really, treat the 'right'. Here we are now in a regime that vex 'weak' and honors the 'strong'.
"I had stolen two shirts all'Oviesse and I have discovered. Do not even know why I did, my life is a disaster, no money, no job and with a little girl to keep. "So begins the story of single mother who reported the gang rape in a police station. This girl has been jailed for trying to urgent fucking steal two shirts. The worth that shirt? 20 €? 30 €? and work hard in jail for stealing a person like that? It was not possible to denounce the loose? Put under house arrest? And the director of the supermarket, once recovered the stolen goods (what a great booty ...) could not withdraw his complaint? No! Relentless with the starving, with the last, strictly speaking the law while Nicola Cosentino was rejected by the council for permission to undertake the execution of the custody of the House custody for the crime of collusion with the Camorra. Camorra, not two shirts cock. You are in shelters and in Parliament except as Alberto German indicted for health in Puglia.Ci are drowned and the saved in this circle of hell that is called Italy, taking up the metaphor of Primo Levi. There are gray areas of power where anything can happen, but only for the most vulnerable as a woman without a family with a daughter to support. What to tell her daughter after the arrest and rape? Every day we commit serious crimes under our noses and their perpetrators will never be a day in prison, protected by his soldiers, lawyers, caste he belongs to, whether political, economic, criminal. We assist us indignant and then go to the cafe. Meanwhile, the submerged, the chicken thieves, the last, end up in prison, some will die in prison, someone commits suicide in shame. Others are raped. And this is justice? And this is the law? Summum ius, summa iniuria. Justice is blind, but only in one eye. For poor people see us very well.
roads, then, are full of armed men. They are among us. There are many. So many as to be invisible. I leave the house. In front of a supermarket security guard, gun, bullet proof vest. At the corner, the bank, armed man, blue beret, said first right, then left, suspicious. Accelerate the pace towards the subway. Before there is the embassy of a country far away, a truck near the gate of the army with the engine still running. A soldier has his gun in plain view, pointing down. Will be charged? And if part of a hail? (The Senate an airman marine who guarded the barrel of the machine gun pointed me instead to the heart and I had to move quickly, ed) Out of the metro. Escalators, the view of the sky that appears at the top there. Now, in the square, a police car and two police officers, coupled to each other. Four policemen and ten policemen armed to the teeth. One smokes a cigarette. A siren, flashing a car with men armed law enforcement officers on their way to a possible disorder. Shooting Straight in the alley between the shops, crossing two armed policemen talking to each other and a white policeman with a truncheon and a gun in the scabbard. Through the intersection, two more banks, two more guards on sentry duty padded weapons. In the queue at the traffic lights of a police cell, the green leaves again. It was not for me. Three gray uniforms of the Guardia di Finanza appear among customers of a store. Elsewhere, the financial police is not armed, in Italy the è.Ho path, excluding the underground section, not more than 600 meters and I saw more armed men in an action movie. I count it by heart. Three security guards, two soldiers and eight policemen, six policemen, three guards of Finance, a policeman, two policemen for a total of 24. A gun or a machine gun for every 25 meters. All in ordinary days. In those exceptional however, that alternate with more and more frequently, a week now, along with exhibitions and events, hundreds of men roam with helmets, batons and guns in the streets and squares. In those bright days of democracy, with the State deployed to protect us, the percentage of weapons is at least one per square meter. "(From the blog of Beppe Grillo)
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Tobia : Bellisola 3, Ferri, Ugolini 1, 7 Corsini, Ceriani 10, Pineda 2, Recchia, Nicolis 29, 16 Bragantini, Carli 7, Mazzi, Morari.
Aurora: Carli 9, Caneva 4, Fracaro 4, Troplini, Santangelo, Busatta 6, Cogno 17, 12 Bertollo, Zachariah 3, Pitcher 18.
Referees: Mazzali Gazzo Veronese (VR) and the Verona Azzali
output fouls: Pitcher, Caneva
Injuries: Busatta
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What To Write To Someone Who Just Had A Baby.

meanwhile continue to deteriorate the security situation in Abidjan. Of 30 injuries and 3 deaths is the death toll from clashes in the district of Abobo marzonel 6 and the next day in the district of Cocody. Checkpoints manned by armed men continue to make dangerous journeys around the country's main city, damage to the entire population. Where possible, UNHCR continues to provide assistance, often through local NGOs. Around the city were so far identified 20 places where large amounts of displaced persons are concentrated. In some of these places, the number and needs of the population are still under investigation, but it is certain that there is an urgent need for food and medicines. Violence is rampant throughout the country. Flared in the western regions and appears to extend from central and south-east. We have testimonies from people on the run, attempts to prevent these movements and physical abuse, rapes. As UNHCR has told the operators a girl of 21 years, managed to flee into Liberia with his son two years, after being beaten by the rebels for having resisted an attempted rape. And more and more refugees arrived in Liberia who report being involved in gun battles during the flight. Some of them were forced to find shelter and spent the night in the bush. With these new flows, UNHCR plans to update its operations in Liberia and adjusting the budget to prepare to assist up to 150 thousand refugees. The causes Deila crisis. ll outgoing President Laurent Gbagbo on March 7 last year, issued a decree for the nationalization of the entire Cocoa supply chain (including Côte d'Ivoire is the world's largest producer). The decision in an attempt to answer that Gbagbo calls "the financial asphyxiation," set by his rival took office in the government of the country. Maneuvers, this one Ouattara, with which the new president, supported by much of the international community, it attempts to force Gbagbo to leave power. So far - backed by the UN, the African Union, the European Union and the United States - Ouattara was able to put in difficulty by imposing Gbagbo, until 15 March, the ban on exports of coffee and cacao, from which the State of Côte d'Ivoire derives a large part of revenue in currencies estere.La reaction cooperative of cocoa. The prohibition was generally respected by the exporters, most of which are multinational corporations (Cargill, CEMO, Saco). But it has provoked very vigorous in particular by co-production of cocoa, which have an annual output of around 1.3 million tonnes. To stem the political and economic effects of the ban, the Gbagbo administration has decided to give the State the exclusive on purchases - at about 700 000 farmers, most of them in the south of the country - and export cocoa and coffee, confiscating stocks (between 250 and 500 000 tonnes), blocked in the ports of Abidjan and San Pedro. The banks shut their doors. Some banks have closed their doors for security reasons ", an operation shared by many other financial institutions. The result is that the entire financial system Ivorian, is increasingly isolated from the international context, making it even more difficult the lives of many families. They are citizens who, among other things, no longer able to receive aid from abroad through the money transfer service. "(La Repubblica, 03/11/2011)
Welcome Chruch Greetings
" The big news history is what mothers instigators and accomplices. Not lupe Arcore, but these mothers-mistress who invest and profit from the sex of her daughters, mothers who break the cage, seemingly impregnable, the Italian identity of the mother hen, the "beautiful are all the mothers of the world", the Holy Family, a showcase of traditional values: the possible marriage of love, motherhood, dignity. It made me smile when my mother to my sister's make-up eyes that said: "What are all these buttanesimi?". I wonder how we would react us brothers, fathers and boyfriends before the mother of Elisa that accounts with greed: "Six thousand euro, you understand, there are twelve million old lire." It is a mother who prepares strategies when the daughter tells her that "he would see me well to work in Pubblitalia. Mom is a realistic and practical: "If we go wrong, patience, time goes so well." And maybe Elisa it suffers a little, but certainly his mother Berlusconi's never enough, "I said when I can review?". There is nothing special in lupe Arcore in escort in sex workers and even less in their bickering, insults and in rivalry with her cheeks burning - "they kill each other," confesses Berardi Iris - I'm a classic farce scollacciata, a topos of the city where theater beating him, pulling the hair of the goat and contending for the money the Filumena Marturano have always been the laughing Lele Mora and Emilio Fede on duty. But otherwise are very special mothers of Elisa, Sarah, Naomi and many more mothers are bricks-and before the mental and physical exhaustion, that always accompanies the most crude and heavy flavors of life ("I am in a pitiful state"), shamelessly minimize (and will never ") and highlight only the value of compensation" six thousand euro, you said nothing. " Here are mothers who resemble "Parrini, lenivano those who abused their bodies in exchange for the fortnight, but the acid benevolent witches that prepares and compresses dosavano and turns the tea and the rest at yield, and while tying Rotoloni money spago.E with the fathers, who were once the armed wing of education, now, as the brothers seem assistant pimps. And there is Mr. Fagg Barbara who teaches her the art of love: "You now have to show him that you're close. "And dad calls to say Guerra Barbara Berlusconi that" my father, for the great respect he has against him is ready to put a bug in the seat of Finian: "I tell him that we have the keys. "Even the boyfriends, who once were jealous, are now minority shareholders of the embraces of others, like Ale which claims that its earnings will Imma 'clothes', ie the money" ... I think that does not give me anything. "" No? Why not, I'm sorry? I'm pissed! Oh. "" Oh love, but as I know. I do not do anything with him ...". "Oh, but you're stupid?". Sold by mothers, fathers, brothers and boyfriends Arcore the wolves are not the victims but the vanguard of a poor family that does not exist anywhere in the civilized world, and even unheard of in Italy, which is the land of Mother Mary, the birth rate, the home of presepe.Non had never been, even in large national catalog, these poor moms who faded seeking a ransom in the body of her daughters to offer it to customers old and rich and at the same time, the plastic surgeon's scalpel. There was still, in the myth of matriarchal Mediterranean and Italian mother, Mrs. Anna Palumbo collects twenty thousand euro from accountant Berlusconi: "My Noemi - told the newspaper - it is a girl that I raised in the light of the Gospel and Lord ". Naomi's face, "there are at least 17 000 euro just lifting," wrote Family Christian alterations, forgeries, an avid adolescence of her daughter on her appearance, education, family looking for redemption in the creation of an anthropology surgical success based on the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty tips and photos posted by Berlusconi manipulator Signorini, all of toast with a sugar daddy, with popes, who is both Gozzano and Freud, tenderness and pedophilia. "My husband frequents minors," said Mrs. Veronica Lario and the weekly "Who?" Letizia became the family-escort, tronista fake boyfriend, mom and dad blesses training: "My daughter calls him popes because we brought in the worship of Silvio." Sure, there are mothers in the history of Italy di Bellissima, con la popolana Anna Magnani che si illude che la bellezza possa riscattare proprio tutto e prima di tutto la povertà, e ci sono i concorsi e le selezioni per miss Italia con quell'immagine odiosa della mamma che sbottona la camicetta della figlia adolescente per attirare sul seno gli sguardi lubrici della giuria. E c'è il caso, unico e terribile, e proprio per questo ricordato dalla storia, di una tredicenne ceduta a Vittorio Emaunele II "da una bruttissima mamma" che notò Carlo Dossi "prese a circolare in carrozza". E c'è l'Italia in quella madre felliniana che trascina la figlia davanti al divo inglese, "le presento la mia bambina, sa cantare, ballare, recitare ed è stata pure a Londra. Dai, dì qualcosa..." . E la ragazza: "Salve".Ci sono insomma, nella nostra storia, le mamme disposte a tutto e magari anche ad umiliarsi ma mai a vendere le figlie e i figli, e proprio perché mamme italiane, proprio perché mamme-mammelle, perché la mamma italiana ha il fascino della fragilità e della determinazione semplice e chiara e mi vengono in mente la mamma della piccola Yara e la mamma di Sarah che, pur così diverse tra loro, trattano i giornalisti con il medesimo rigore della maternità straziata. Ci sono mamme e mogli come Marella Agnelli e come Sofia Loren e Mina e come era la stessa mamma di Berlusconi che fu l'unica cosa dolce della sua vita forsennata, o ancora - cito alla rinfusa - Luciana Castellina e Anna Craxi, Eleonora Moro, Ilary Blasi, Franca Ciampi, the Seredova Buffon, Gemma ... Calabresi, lord of Italy, master of the house, voices and faces old and new traditions of our civilization women, Italian women of today, energetic and nervous as beautiful Isabella Rossellini, Monica Bellucci or confidential and elegant as the widow of Enrico Berlinguer and Carla Fracci, and I think about how mothers were wonderfully tough Marcella Ferrara, historic collaboration of Togliatti, and Palma Bucarelli, Mrs. contemporary art. We had only Filumena Marturano, the Two Women and Anna Magnani. The Italian mothers are characters in the novel of national feelings. And there's "Mother unknown," the mother who once again has been sung in San Remo, the mother who dreams la laurea, un genero, i nipoti e diffida delle scuole di recitazione perché pensa, all'antica, che "femmina che muove l'anca / o è puttana o poco ci manca" che è certo un proverbio reazionario ma era una difesa contro questa smania di vendersi, contro i concorsi per "miss maglietta bagnata", contro le selezioni per diventare veline che - va detto chiaro - non è un mestiere. Non ci vuole il metodo Stanislavskij per trasformarsi in eccellenze del tacere agitando i fianchi, campionesse di velocità nel cambio degli stivali e dei pantaloncini corti, non è necessario frequentare l'Actor's Studio per formare corpi senza erotismo, fantasmi televisivi, lolite smaterializzate e desessualizzate, il sesso senza eros, il ballo senza flavors. Yet the occupation of these new tissue excites Italian mothers, because in fact just the "good looking" and nothing else, as demonstrated in Sanremo Elizabeth Canalis.Ma perhaps to understand the degradation and corruption of the Italian family must have seen in contrast to TV stolen from that interview the father of Ruby, the Moroccan and Muslim street vendor. Toothless, badly dressed, poor but not as corrupt as the fathers and mothers of Italian wolves, tried to expel the journalists shouted in Sicilian dialect-Moroccan "Itivinni, itivinni. And when they told him that Ruby was accusing him of beating her because she had become Catholic, "But what blows. But as a Catholic. That television had fallen ill." (La Repubblica)
Monday, March 7, 2011
What Is Means By Low Lymphocyte

Planetsuzy British Women
Dear boys,
next Wednesday (March 9, said "Ash Wednesday" ) will begin a more intense time of the Church, what we prepare for Easter: Lent (40 days before Easter).
Quaranta, a symbolic number
Lent comes from the Latin Lent: forty. In fact, lasts 40 days, as well as 40 days Jesus spent in the desert (Mt 4.1 to 11), such as 40 days on the mountain of Moses (Exodus 34.28) and the 40 years since the People of God in the desert before entering the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 1:3).
have 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, since Sunday does not count. Every Sunday it is the memory of the resurrection of Jesus

is a time of conversion, return to God during which every baptized is invited to rediscover the strength and vitality of his baptism. At the end of Lent, Easter is celebrated, which is the center of our faith, the day of the resurrection of Jesus through his resurrection and victory over death and sin, Jesus Christ the Son of God is revealed and open to men fullness of life in God
Conversion (from the Latin word convert: return, change) is to live a change, take a route that makes it grow. is a time of awakening, of awareness. But the Christian conversion is never complete and final. You always be made to renew, to make it stronger and more stable. Listening to the Word of God and the dialogue with the Lord in prayer, let this be made more sensitive renovation.
The Color Purple
During Lent, the liturgical color is purple . The opposite of green, which symbolizes the life that grows, recalls the purple end of the lifecycle (the vegetation that fades, to be reborn the following spring). Purple speaks thus of transformation.

Happy Lent to all e. .. do not miss it!
How To Say Congrats In Japanese
Dear children, in the section of this blog, you can download the latest lectures on the Gospels and Acts .
From next Saturday (March 12) will stop the program to devote himself to biblical preparation for Easter, with some lessons on Lent.
Please bring all the material, however, generally addressed, namely
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Important Mandarin Verbs

La Costa d'Avorio sta andando verso un periodo of turbulence and is already in place the beginnings of civil war that does not bode good. Of course, here we did not know anything and just talking about countries that have more to do directly with our realities. I've lived there seven years, from 1994 to 2000, when he was the third richest African nation, first and second in the export of cocoa in the coffee world. There I opened my import-export company, two restaurants (in the photo), I decided to live there, I got married and had three children. In 2000, however, at the beginning of the first coup, I decided to return to Italy. Today the situation has deteriorated and is moving towards civil war, although there are helmets 6000 blue to divide the contestants who do not understand well what we are doing. We are heading towards a fate such as Liberia or Sierra Leone a few years ago if not treated immediately. There is an ethnic minority, the Bete, who with President Gbagbo is not elected, he wants to stay in power by force, against President Vincent Ouattara, which represents more than the population of the North, that of Djoula, and was recognized by all the world as the true winner of the last elections. Who but the greatest number of people and has always held power since independence from France in 1960 with Houphouet Boigny, is the Akan group, which currently can not go back to the limelight. Gbagbo's men, who say the left, organized death squads, have already killed women and children in peaceful demonstrations and go from house to house to kill the opponents, a dimension inimaginabile only a few years ago. From information we have from my wife's relatives, who fled in a small village in the country of origin (a little 'how our displaced than once), the situation is very serious. My wife and I are trying to organize something to help in some way and inform international opinion. For now, who wants to participate can make donations to the account 40843039, made payable to Anthony Brindisi, causal 'For peace in Ivory Coast', and then give birth to a real departs Committee and come forward for any other initiative or idea. My e-mail address is ilgorgon@libero.it and my mobile phone 3479372251. Work in Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan and my experience and around you can find them on my blog www.ilgorgon.blogspot.com .
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"" Naples is yours "is the motto I chose for this new policy: the race for the office of mayor. Naples must in fact belong to its citizens, which today are called to take her back after that for a long, long time , "someone" has decided to dispose of it as if it were exclusively his, to robbing and exploiting their personal benefit. So this town has turned into Desert law and the law, becoming the theater of personal gain or power groups, the majority of criminals and often unexpected, in every social, economic and political, established by the public to privato.Napoli has become the most distant there may be the soul of its own inhabitants. Mismanagement that covers the entire policy, has sapped confidence in the institutions, spreading a feeling of anti-politics understandable but unacceptable, it must be defeated as soon as possible. Too much collusion between government, business and organized crime have hurt the idea of \u200b\u200bthe common good and the collective interest as priority targets to be achieved. While the links between politics opaque, cracks and Camorra, loops driven contracts with the sole aim to gain support and money in each sector (waste infrastructure) have betrayed the most basic rules democratiche.Sono years were difficult and sad, I would say dramatic, they have managed to infect the social live, mortify a community that can boast an immense historical and artistic heritage, in addition to a tradition of inclusion and acceptance that responds to the leading role that should and can have Naples in the Mediterranean, being The third village in Italy. Naples is a city that must therefore return to the hands of its people to respond to their needs. Those needs that are incompatible with the waste by the roadside, with the emergency becomes the norm, so far as to encourage citizens to become accustomed to the presence unfair and unhealthy garbage ovunque.Il terrible cycle of waste disposal is the parable of political and social degeneration unprecedented in our country and in Europe, but also the symbol of a state that takes a step back, who abdicated in itself, to leave the field open to business and the Camorra, who get rich making money on this drama unacceptable due to collusion with the public sector, to ensure that electoral support in exchange for jobs or contracts in the field of incinerators, landfills and more. A suspension in fact, democracy and the rule of law with respect to which we must and we can write the final word. A political and moral revolution, based on a change of leadership and the civilian protagonist, which may make Naples a city more livable, safe, inclusiva.Attuare this revolution is possible. Besides, if I had this feeling, I would have chosen to run for mayor. A choice that was personally difficult, said "only" by the passion and love I have for this city. My city. A choice comforted by the belief that it is not only in this project, which will see a change in the center of Naples from the national potential, transforming in un laboratorio politico-sociale innovativo che sia di esempio a tutto il paese, che pure necessita di una ventata di freschezza morale e politica dopo il berlusconismo al tracollo.In questo progetto non mi sento solo perché ci sono i napoletani, c’è un’intera città che crede al suo risveglio e che vuole esserne protagonista. Certo, senza i cittadini e le cittadine, anche la politica può risultare impotente. Ma se si uniscono le energie comuni, allora la stagione di discontinuità sarà possibile. Per questo, mi rivolgo alla città intera, chiedendo un atto di coraggio e di fiducia per sostenere una speranza che può e deve diventare realtà, se tutti noi lo vogliamo e se tutti noi ci impegniamo. Come sosteneva Paolo Borsellino in Palermo than: "We love what we do not like to be able to change." So I decided to work on a civic list that embraces the best energies of civil society, so we put at the disposal of all political forces in the center my job. I would like to make me an instrument of the new season that the Neapolitan Citizens expect, in keeping with my experience at the European Parliament in all my - yet brief - career in politics, have been animated by the same objective, namely to look to serve the country, fielding, greater transparency and more excited as I could and I can. "(Luigi De Magistris)
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The ten strategies for manipulating the masses
1 / strategy distraction
crucial element of social control, the strategy of diversion is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by the political elites and economic, through a constant flood of entertainment and information insignificant. The strategy of diversion is also essential to prevent the public interest in the essential knowledge in the fields of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology, and cybernetics. "Keep the public's attention diverted away from real social problems, captivated by matters of no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, no time to think.
2 / Create problems and offer solutions
This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution". It first creates a problem, a "situation" referred to elicit some reaction from the public, so that it is itself that measures applicant wishes him to accept. For example: let it develop urban violence, or organize bloody attacks in order applicant that the public security laws to the detriment of freedom. Or: Create an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil in the decline of social rights and the dismantling of public services.
3 / strategy degradation
To accept an unacceptable extent, simply apply it gradually, "degraded" over a period of 10 years. That's the way that socio-economic conditions radically new (neo) were imposed during the years 1980 to 1990. Massive unemployment, precariousness, flexibility, outsourcing, wages no longer ensure a decent income, so many changes that have caused a revolution if they had been brutally applied.
4 / The strategy of deferred
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful but necessary, by obtaining the agreement of the public in this for an application in the future. It is always easier to accept a sacrifice a sacrifice immediate future. First, because the effort is not to provide right away. Then because the public still tends to naively hope that " everything will be better tomorrow "and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. Finally, it allows time for public
get used to the idea of \u200b\u200bchange and accept it with resignation when the time comes.
5 / Addressing the public as to children in infancy
Most advertisements for the general-use public discourse, arguments, characters, and a particularly tone condescending, often close to the debilitating as if the viewer was a child in infancy or mental disabilities. The more we seek to mislead the viewer, the more you adopt a tone of childish. Why? "If addressing a person as if she was aged 12 when, due to suggestibility, it will have a certain probability, a response or reaction as uncritical as that of a person 12 years.
6 / Appealing to the emotional rather than thinking
Appealing to emotions is a classic technique for bypassing rational analysis, and therefore the critical individuals. In addition, the use of emotional register opens the door to the unconscious as the site for ideas, desires, fears, impulses, or behavior ... .
7 / Keep the public in ignorance and stupidity
Ensure that the public is unable to understand the technologies and methods for its control and slavery. "The quality of education given to the lower classes must be the poorest, so that the gap of ignorance that separates the lower class upper class is and remains incomprehensible to the lower classes.
8 / encourage the public to wallow in mediocrity
Encourage the public to find cool "Being stupid, vulgar and uneducated ...
9 / Replace the revolt by guilt
Make believe that the individual is solely responsible for his misfortune, because of the insufficiency of his
intelligence, abilities, or her efforts. Thus, instead of revolting against the economic system devalues \u200b\u200bthe individual and self-guilt, which creates a depression which one effect is inhibition of the action. And without action, no revolution!
10 / know people better than they know themselves
Au cours des 50 dernières années, les progrès fulgurants de la science ont creusé un fossé croissant entre les connaissances du public et celles détenues et utilisées par les élites dirigeantes. Grâce à la biologie, la neurobiologie, et la psychologie appliquée, le « système » est parvenu à une connaissance avancée de l’être humain, à la fois physiquement et psychologiquement. Le système en est arrivé à mieux connaître l’individu moyen que celui-ci ne se connaît lui-même. Cela signifie que dans la majorité des cas, le système détient un
plus grand contrôle et un plus grand pouvoir sur les individus que les individus eux-memes.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Menstruation And Sore Throat
Al gruppo di catechismo di Ramona e Anna:
Cari ragazzi,
nell'apposita sezione dedicata alle lezioni del corso di catechismo, troverete la
A domani!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Sample Lettercompletion Of Community Service
Carli: 6. Not playing badly, the problem is that the touch fouls in already live with him now because they whistle a few too fiscally. For the rest is a jumper on the baseline falling backwards I repeat that I like a lot to what we proposed in the land of cactus Steve Nash. Mansfield also less active offensively because it makes our area and has the daunting task of finding the open man somewhere.
Caneva: 5.5. For the Superman jumpsuit KMZ coach was talking about in some previous post we still have to wait, because we found another night in which still plays on offense to "ciuppascondare" (for the uninitiated ciuppascondare = hide). Few facilities and little tried offensively, the inventive touches from his top hat but I'm around we bring you that even the referees did not whistle a foul that despite a few attempts by opponents of derailment. The are also great as a house a foul on a shot from the corner but no one sees anything. Strangely misses a couple of free, but the main issue is to find him the next games, and this is hot stuff, but the Libyan crisis. Certainly suffered the last training sessions where there was little to sprint and run as many absences. Oh, and in any case turns out yet another nickname: Bobby Solo.
Cogno: 9. And here guys, as part of basketball, we in presenza di un clandestino. E invece Jeff gli darebbe pure 10. Ma nonostante la prova balistica di errori ce ne sono. Serata di quelle che ne capitano di rado, alcuni dicono sia dovuto alla mancanza misteriosa della Sig.ra Cogno sugli spalti (e li son tutti disperati eh, soprattutto Toba che non riesce più a vivere senza la torta al cioccolato della Marta). Parte bene nel primo quarto infilando subito 4 punti, poi il nulla fino al rientro nel terzo quarto dove l’acqua che sgorgava dai rubinetti deve essere stata acqua santa. Ne mette 22 in un quarto in qualsiasi modo e contro chiunque. Triple, penetrazioni, contropiedi, movimenti in post basso, tiri liberi. Nel mezzo ci mette pure una stoppata clamorosa sul loro lungo e una palla rubata. Definitely not the stuff that happens every day. Jeff sensational at the end of the third quarter that says, 'Oh MIT, that ghetto shit done? "The whole" scorlando "the scout sign of disbelief. Do not get the two points in the standings and this eats a lot because we were 2 minutes from a great win. Now two more trips than those that need a lot of nerve.
Bertollo: 5 / 6. Well gentlemen, here we are Mr. Two-Face in Batman movie, so come on, you can not talk to "plow the fields" and "trimmed and animals" during the journey, and then return to the question of the Centre: "Oh Tusi, but ghe de Zé way indirisso conceals the ip of the computer? " show off a response like, "Eh Center, you have to put as plug-ins." Actually you can not combine mica agriculture to information technology in such a short time. But getting to the basket, our part well served by a smarcante the captain, defended well and feel the rebound. Shoot a bit 'in the blank painted, mainly because it is hard to define in front of the bars that still does not make the idea.
Busatta 5. It does not just feel good to know. The first hummer of the ball with two you visit the doctor because he has a stomach pain that is worrying. Grit your teeth and go on the pitch but the departure is not the best. Find the right pace from mid-second quarter a bit later when 'the whole team is revived. Rebounds per car (17) and points (14) in the middle of the area. In the last quarter lost a bit 'of clarity under the basket because he missed a couple that normally marks pandoro with drinking milk in the morning.
Jug: 5.5. And here is the argument made for Danito, Two-Face even if we no longer speak of knowledge, but just in basketball. Why the weird stuff this guy is that defense is WHAT A FRAK along with the best of us, for physical strength, determination and technique, but when it comes to the other side to "offend" the enemy we are still a notch behind. Result, una partita da 0 su molti al tiro. Le scelte sono tutte condivisibili ovviamente, ma proprio la biglia non ne vuol sapere di entrare nemmeno quando in penetrazione trova il varco giusto ma il ferro gliele sputa tutte. Poi, come detto sulla zona si fa il mazzo sui raddoppi e risulta sempre quello che tappa i buchi lasciati dagli altri (capitano in primis).
Zaccaria: 5,5. Partenza fiacca per Zac, che non trova il ritmo giusto in attacco e perde qualche biglia di troppo qua e la. Si riscatta mettendo una ottima tripla in transizione che accende la speranza dopo l’imbarcata nel secondo quarto. A fine partita ha sfiga perché sul suo classico movimento in post, il pallone si ferma sul primo ferro.
Saponaro: 5,5. E non esiste that the answer back eh, especially if anagrafe have at least 20 years younger in our Sandrihno. At the expense alternately several opponents who face hard-nosed and ours that does not move an inch. Make good and bad for all participants, especially on defense. In the triple attack are all thrown in rhythm but not a great evening. For the rest everything as planned, defense, rebounds, cask.
Coach: 6.5. indecipherable game, because its doing everything and more to the casino. Rocketing, then total blackout, then recovery, then another small voids, then another comeback. But in the end win the atria. The coach with the test area which is now tested and works and not by a hair bring home.
Mrs Santangelo, mother of the Rosary on Monday brings a truckload of cannoli (the Virgin Mary that boni). And them apart from the chorus: ROOOOSARRIIOOOOO LALLALA LA LA LA ....