Friday, December 10, 2010

Microfiber Vs Microsuede

Silea - Aurora: Mit's marks

Pressanto: 5.5. You can see in the opening game when a long jumper bag table. Then for the rest very incisive in attack where a little 'how to pay all the undue haste and confusion. Definitely more cargo and perky girlfriend in the bus where the captain had to listen to speeches at the edge of censorship.

Pitcher: 5 / 6. Oh, it starts the game by attacking the iron as if it had insulted the girlfriend. And thanks to him, the game seems to promise to drink. On the other Apart from touching follow the trail of an ugly customer as Nigro in the first two quarters puts 17. Clearly the blame must be shared with those who do not help to close the penetrations. The last two quarters without special jerks like the rest of the crew, still a highlight in the square penetration shot falling backwards.

Fracaro: 6. This is sensational, because it looks like a robot than a person. The coach says, 'Oh, you come and you do not get that. " And our without even frowning, it should be on the field, defending their best player as if it were the easiest thing in the world I am. Nigro is kept at 0 / 5 from the field in the third quarter and touched a few balls, everything on that occasion of our changes in the Bruce Bowen of Vicenza. In attack we are still on the launching pad.

Bertollo: 5 / 6. Equipped with little impact on Mr. Pop Corn Party, which suffered far more than the physicality of their long. Fails to give precedence to its most athletic and gets stuck in the middle more than once against the opponent.

Busatta: 6 -. It is the only double-figure for her and for a while 'is difficult to match their long markable (and this is no big deal). In the bench coach should be noted that the first three baskets becca + foul and it even seems that the evening will close with a flourish. Up to 3 minutes by end for our usual game, controlling clusters of bounce, always marks with the phallus, the free bags and tow just about anything not to go genius. But it commits a venial sin, just 3 minutes from the end whistle becoming the fourth offensive foul and then immediately kicked out for making complaints (with technical appendix). Case closed crashed.

Milenkovic: 6. A sort of microwave signal as it comes and unceremoniously. Puts a triple straight from the gym parking lot and score in penetration. For the rest, not much else to report except that on Monday evening scaviglia and now we must see what will be the time for recovery.

Cogno: 5.5. Even better than the last game, especially physically, but we are still light years away from seeing something acceptable. Party with a left hook that bodes well, but loses a couple of balls that comment with a girlfriend: "ghe you missed a par de Saria barons who are covered by." He sticks a triple well not seen for some time, but despite the bickering a lot with iron shots in the middle of the area are good. Always the last two quarters AC because he finds something good in the low post, but there is still great understanding in the diagrams (remember a lost ball where the captain has been nailed to watch the ball out of the field). Put it this way: there is a lot of rust to be removed

Caneva: 6. the fact is that he does not play bad, you take a lot 'of faults, although many others are not booed, he runs like Speedy Gonzales on the counterattack, but touches on offense a few balls because of the stillness with which to play, and the boy suffers most of all because his game is done running, running, running. Nicknamed DJ Tobi van smanetta perhè in like a madman with heating.

Maculan: 5.5. It takes the right intensity especially in the first two quarters where good attacking the basket and you gain a lot 'of free throws. Then it difficult to mark a play like that weighs twice that of the enemy and it is also a bit 'more altino. And how all the rest of the gang, in the last two quarters leaving no particular track.

Arioli: sv.: A few minutes of game in which defends well and attack in the search space

Coach: 6.5. Given the hard times of his own, had to change something, and then prepared away with an offensive game that has more movement and multiple solutions simultaneously. Per se but a simple scheme seems to work. Last Saturday went well for three quarters, then you can not attribute particular blame if his work badly in its defense in the highlights of the game. Still work in progress but with some positive note.

Honorable Mention:

Mr. Tobia van Caneva that delights us with the proverb of the year: "It ricordeve Tusi, who gà bueee Braz and legs." Idol!


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