Monday, December 13, 2010

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Today we remember ... Saint Lucia


Lucia was born around the year 280 AD in Syracuse, a beautiful seaside city, to noble parents. Lucia's father, who perhaps was called Lucius, died when she was still very small, so was raised by mother Eutichia from whom he learned the truth of Christianity and the message of Jesus was so that Lucia knew Christianity, the stories the early Christians, their martyrdom for the love of Jesus and let it grow Lucia capture the heart of Jesus in his heart and decided to devote himself, joining him as a bride with her husband, with perpetual vow of virginity.


Lucia, worried about the worsening of the disease that had struck the mother, a hemorrhage considered incurable, suggested the pilgrimage to the tomb of the martyr St. Agatha in Catania. 251 victims in the persecution of all Christians ordered by the emperor Decius, many people went in his tomb to get through because the fame of the glorious Santa si era sparsa ovunque a causa dei miracoli da lei operati, e in cuor suo Lucia era certa che avrebbe giovato anche alla sua cara mamma.

Eutichia accettò piena di speranza l’esortazione di Lucia e così stabilirono di partire in pellegrinaggio per raggiungere Catania, dove arrivarono proprio nel giorno della festa di Sant’Agata: era il 5 Febbraio del 301. Durante la celebrazione sentirono il passo del Vangelo di Matteo riguardante il racconto della donna che soffriva di emorragia, guarita per aver toccato il mantello di Gesù.
Lucia illuminata propose alla mamma di toccare il sepolcro di Sant’Agata convinta della potente intercessione della Santa.


While Eutichia touched the tomb, appeared in a vision to St. Lucia Agata said that "Lucy, my sister, why are you asking me what you can get yourself to your mother?" Behold, your mother is already healed by your faith. And as I was beatified by the city of Catania, just for through you will be saved the city of Syracuse. "
Lucy said her mother "Through the intercession of St. Agatha, Jesus has healed you" and immediately felt Eutichia forces back and realized that she was healed.

Lucia understood that this was the right time to reveal his mother's intention to devote himself to Jesus, and wanted to give his rich dowry to the poor. Eutichia, who had a heart full of gratitude for favors received, agreed.


A young man of his city, in love with Lucy, disappointed at the lack of marriage, as Lucy explained that she was dedicated to Jesus, retaliated angrily, denouncing the Roman prefect Pascasio as a follower of Christ. The emperor Diocletian issued an edict which provided a fierce repression against Christians.


Lucia was arrested and brought before the prefect Pascasio, who ordered her to do sacrifices to the pagan gods to renounce their Christian faith. Lucia opposed a firm refusal, Pascasio realized that would not have achieved anything and then ordered that she be brought in the worst slums of the city, meaning that violence was used.

the wonders

The soldiers grabbed her away, but as they tried they could not move it, also tried to tie it with ropes, the hands and feet, but despite that reinforcements had arrived, they could not move, she inexplicably remained solid as a rock. God would not let anyone take it away.

Pascasio thought che tale prodigio fosse opera di magia ed ordinò che fosse trattata come una strega: la povera giovane doveva essere bruciata sul rogo. Ed ordinò, che sul suo corpo fossero versati della pece e dell’olio.
Ma le fiamme lasciarono Lucia illesa.


Pascasio furente la condanno alla decapitazione, morte riservata ai condannati di nobile stirpe. S. Lucia prima dell’esecuzione preannunciò la morte di Diocleziano, avvenuta dopo pochi anni, e la fine delle persecuzioni terminate nel 313 d.C con l’editto di Costantino.
Lucia venne uccisa il 13 Dicembre del 304 ed ebbe sepoltura nello stesso luogo dove nel 313 fu a shrine dedicated to her.

In 1039 the Byzantine general George Maniace moved the body of Saint Lucia from Syracuse to Constantinople, to avoid the danger of invasion of Syracuse by the Saracens.
In 1204 during the Fourth Crusade, the Doge of Venice, Enrico Dandolo, located in Istanbul the remains of the saint, the door to the monastery of San Giorgio in Venice in 1280 and the transfer is in the church dedicated to her in Venice.

S. Lucia Siracusa has saved so many times in his most dramatic moments such as famine, earthquakes, wars and has intervened in other cities such as Brescia, thanks to his intercession, was released from a severe famine.


Ia devozione a S. Lucia si diffuse subito dopo la morte e si è trasmessa sino ai nostri tempi. La testimonianza più antica è una epigrafe marmorea in greco che risale al IV secolo scoperta nel 1894 nelle catacombe di Siracusa.
Papa Gregorio Magno, vissuto tra il 590 ed il 604, inserì Santa Lucia nel canone della messa romana. Alcune citazioni si ritrovano nella Summa Teologica di S. Tommaso d’Acquino. Tra i suoi devoti troviamo pure S. Caterina da Siena, S. Leone Magno.
Dante ne fa il simbolo della Grazia illuminante e si definisce suo fedele. La reputava protettrice della vista e come racconta nel Convivio, si rivolse spesso a Lei per guarire dai disturbi agli eyes.
Saint Lucia is the patron saint of eyesight.

The legend tells that the Holy eyes were torn from their sockets, so some of the iconography depicting Santa with a tray on which the eyes are placed. Saint Lucia is the patron saint of eyesight.


The feast of Saint Lucia is 13 December.
In Northern Italy, Czechoslovakia and in Austria, Saint Lucia is celebrated as the bearer of gifts for children.
In Denmark and Sweden, the saint is celebrated with the choice of a girl who shows her and other girls in the parade that accompany it brings gifts to children and charities.
in Sweden is much revered by the Lutheran Church.


Saint Lucia launched in history, with his martyrdom, the cry of love for Jesus

His heart was burning like a furnace of divine love, and this was overwhelming force, which enabled it to overcome the anguish that rose from the human.
Saint Lucia has been able to accept for themselves, sacrifice and pain, in the unwavering faith in Jesus who now lived in his soul.

That heart beat just now free to love, had enabled him to received by virtue, in that way made the human enterprise to win.

Turning our gaze on Saint Lucia, we are inundated by its warm, enveloping light and struck by the aroma of his virtues and lost before his sacrifice.

We can easily request, through her powerful intercession, to rekindle in ourselves the burning flame of divine love, to put forth the tender seedlings of virtues to turn the hope of being saved.

also in difficulties and we need to resort to his patronage, certain to be helped.

How nice it would alongside it to help us along that path rising in the summit which is lost in the heavens of God

(taken from


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