Carli: 5 / 6. Strangely enough, finds himself with a bad relationship with the object ball is red because it takes a few shots and those few out of the target. Always play basketball at a high content of phosphorus on the pick and roll because you invent something useful. It does a couple of errors by him in the end game. Square by bus a couple of goodies at the highest level that frankly I'm also struggling to bring up the spreadsheet as they are refined.
Cause of delay camisanese
Caneva: 6.

Pitcher: 6. A lot to say about man of the mountain. Is negotiating to buy a home gym because the triceps is never quite swollen. In Wednesday's snow falls from the mountain in advance just to be present for training and travel on the Sabbath, they shoot the trip to go alone to sell its Xbox in the Treviso. On game there is to say that the boy strong party, as happens often lately, but is penalized with 3 fouls genuinely excessive. Accurate to free and has the merit of the shot of the bag tie. He was booed in the middle of the fifth overtime, too bad.
Bertollo: 6 / 7. It also comes after the nickname Danito Danette. Character stratospheric normally taciturn and serious because I'm around, or shoot a couple of sensational but after we get there. Game where any two-footed opponent can take his first step and you see it close with a season-high 24 share. Playing with a capital P because it is 11/11 to free his bag and put some nice unique triple jumper. Defense honest and reference point in attack. But most point of reference in van for the return journey. Out of nowhere: "Oh tosi tosi, Gavio ever Suga at Farm Simulator 2011?". And the silence falls sovereign them on the bus before it overwhelms all a laugh. But the gem comes a little later: "I mean oh, I know Onco afternoon nei tei in plowing fields." Present-fold and with tears in our eyes and not happy things worse with a resounding, "Tusi, made a go hip el video, veo port."
Busatta: 6.5. A notch below the Danette for the simple fact that the fundamental mistake in the closure of two free throws last quarter. The rest is always the same, the attack is too much for anyone in the low post and has a range of movements that lead to well-established potential to be a man of 20 I am around the buckled shoes close with a 9 / 11 from the field that explains this concept well, maybe a bounce if I forgot someone, why not go the usual double-double of ordinance. Defensively is a bit 'more difficulty in coming on the blocks but we are convinced that the defense beyond the three-point line, there is still life. Fa 23 with 11 pitches, this means more or less that if you give them to eat more attacking this one with the number 4 can be a factor.
Maculan: 5.5. Not really his game because the wood slippery and its light weight make it very often derail. Effort defensively perché i loro esterni sono tosti fisicamente e discretamente veloci. C’è il tatuaggio nuovo, e quindi ovviamente siamo qui a chiedere panini con la soppressa per tutti.
Zaccaria: 5/6. In post è un bel satanasso perché ogni pallone che tocca sono due automatici, e difatti chiude in doppia cifra a 11. Bene anche a rimbalzo dove porta a terra 9 carambolone. Ma la cosa che non ti aspetti è che rimanga a secco dalla lunga distanza nonostante i 6 tentativi. Nota positiva in difesa dove recupera un pallone su un passaggio errato e si invola in contropiede, roba che non si vedeva da parecchio tempo. Voto 10 alla cena prenatalizia del giorno dopo con bigui co l’arna e affettati a pioggia, con tanto di poker finale dove Toba senza understand a shit brings home a lot of money (fake of course).
Arioli: sv. A few extra seconds at the end of
Fracaro: 6 +. Scarognato well this because just two fouls whistled for his kind of defense is much like the death penalty. But our game is a rocky closed with 9 points and a great deal 'of his defense. Viewed well mark a jumper in dribbling and shooting that arrest must have seen somewhere on youtube watching Filman Manu Ginobili. Ah, that's what they forget, a week of passion for our three days in a row he gets:
1.buzzer beater against Manu Milwaukke
2.buzzer beater against Denver for the +2 and then taken against breakage Melo Anthony
3.super exchange involving NBA Phoenix, Orlando and Wasghinton.
hot week and indeed to our Sunday evening out of the numbers of women talking about sensational (and more). Stuff that Matt had never heard, and here we have said everything.
Garbin: 6 +. Game that seems to run on the velvet, because we are above a 3 from the end of 13. But it all ends with a dramatic overtime and a bloody defeat. Sore point is that his fans will boo a lot of fouls and 5 will eventually be the bad guys to have to sit on the bench early. Find two good tests with long but still must find a way to defend her.
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