Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fantastic Facts About Cystic Fibrosis

Aurora - Raptors: pagellone by Cogno

Carli: 6+. Si si, questo è Steve Nash ma con un capello più brutto (per sua stessa ammissione non si pettina mai). Da via un paio di biglie che ti fan pensare: “E questa dove l’ha vista?!?!?”. Mente che vede basket a 360°. Da uno smarcante a Brocca nell’ultimo quarto che esalta il concetto di backdoor e pesca un paio di volte il Centro sul pick and roll con il contagiri. Si prende un bel po’ di responsabilità quando Mestrino torna sotto. Infila una penetrazione rovesciata e infila un jumper dalla linea dei poveri che verrà buono per tutto l’anno. Perde un paio di palloni sanguinosi e un paio di volte si fida troppo della sua finta..

Caneva: 6. Va bè, in settimana svela al capitano the secrets of his youth and explains many things, including his madness in the game of basketball. Playing without big ideas, closes with 8 points and a defense more than honest, even when the game becomes a mischione indecipherable. Mark regularly the free and the jumpers are always rolling the retina. The touch of color is that you do not understand how a skinny little body so small and can get out so many obscenities.

Jug: 7.5. Music on the compilation? Or that it was loaded like a spring? Or the fact that our apartment is in a dream Deron Williams that he must have whispered something in his ear? Maybe all three things, but leaving a lot of our sensational man of the mountain (is Lapp). Mark the top 10 of the team better than the other one, on the counterattack, the dribble-shot-stopping in traffic, in the low post. In essence, in the midst of them is a bit 'as they like and keep up the cabin and puppets in the first quarter. Defensively always present and rather arrogant. In league with Carlingham goes backdoor and undergoes several errors in penetration converted free throws secure. Do something, clonatelo, put it in the fridge, because I'm in the moment is our go-to-guy.

Cogno: 5 +. Resurrected as a quintet 4 Tactical (pure euphemism) does not make for what could. Inconclusive first quarter where you take a jumper on the face and defends its slowness. In half-hearted attack, he finds himself tra le mani un assist apparecchiato dal suo Centro e almeno quello non lo sbaglia. THREE ME PLEASE e massimo vantaggio prima del riposo lungo. Rientra in campo ma non è proprio serata, sbaglia la seconda tripla e in post basso mette un cross dove però dall’altra parte non c’è Ibrahimovic. Poca roba e forma fisica da rivedere, visto anche che in pizzeria prova più volte ad abbioccarsi sulla tavola senza riuscirci fino in fondo. Oh nota positiva, l’ennesima stoppata data in penetrazione che lo fa sentire come Ben Wallace ai bei tempi.

Busatta: 5/6. Dall’altra parte gli amici di sempre, Orti e Billy e una partita dal gusto retrò per il nostro hummer. Ordinaria amministrazione, forse anche qualcosa meno, seen the final 6 points. Place a couple of movements in post very interesting and very confident (if you do for the rest of the season in the can split all), strangely wrong 4 free since we had used a percentage stocktoniane. From a couple of blocks away as usual and check the boards without many troubles.

Zechariah: 5.5. Last night was fun doing some fine strike in the middle of the area seen in a couple of penetrations that it overwhelms a few (say two of its findings friendly breakthroughs in attack). For the rest of game that could give much more to our Zech, who takes that kind of rolls over which the rebound is optional practice. But the bad luck I'm around there must be resting on the iron triplone that because the three throws are all inside-out. Not bad given that it's always in defense to rebound.

Milenkovic: 6. Faccione soon, because he has no fear of pulling and I'm around it's luxury. Two interesting triple in transition, the second with a lot of pressure because the Indians were catching up and there were already the sound of arrows. For the rest, playing sound, despite a couple of times touches to take the license plate of her attacker and run away on the bottom line.

Maculan: 5.5. Return to the field after two rounds of absence. Not bad in the first half where the test with some success to pierce the opponent's defense. Less well when the game becomes more heated and we would need more wrist. It still earns a lot 'of fouls and that's what Coach appreciated

: 6.5. In bench feels like Eric Spoelstra in Miami, where you know you have a better team than what we saw in last Sunday, but the chemistry and the environment are not already running at its best. However find a way to improve things by changing something at the tactical level. From confidence to Mr. Pitcher, rewarded by the handful, now back on track and see what the future requires


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