Thursday, February 24, 2011

Invalid Stored Block Lengthsmatlab

solid home win against Noale


Aurora : Carli 9, Caneva 2, Fracaro 14, Troplini 2, Santangelo, Spiller 3, Busatta 13, Cogno 16, Bertollo 9, Zachariah 4, Saponaro 3, Milenkovic 8.

Noale : Calzavara 6, Relizzotti 2, 1 Barbiero, Gabellotto 10, Bettardo 6, Shepherd 6, Lanoti, Bonzio 6, Agnoletto 16, Krajcirik 2, Busetto 1, Ronati 4.

Officials: Salerno in Schio (VI) and Meneghini in Thiene (VI)

output fouls: Bonzio

Accidents; Milenkovic

By Michele Cogno
Go back to the Cereal Docks Arena for the fifth of return, which sees band camisanese Noale committed against that which emerged victorious after an extra leg. A Camira sniff the playoffs and this game requires maximum attenzione per evitare di buttare per aria punti importanti.
Rosario arriva scortato dal capitano, perché ormai il ragazzo va trattato con i guanti visto le qualità paranormali (da quando è in panca Camisano è 4W-1L nel girone di ritorno).
Alla palla a due coach Garbin manda sul legno Carli, Caneva, Fracaro, Bertollo e Busatta. Frak in quintetto per coprire il buco lasciato dal leggero infortunio patito da Mr. Brocca al ginocchio durante l’allenamento di lunedì.
Pronti via ed è Noale a partire meglio dai blocchi, mentre Camisano fatica a trovare il canestro con il Centro che deve averci baruffato in settimana perché i primi 3 tiri gli escono beffardamente. Dopo 3 minuti Noale avanti 4-1 con la partita che stenta a decollare. Ci pensa Danito ad aprire le danze con un jumper from the stripe, Carli inventa un behind-the-back per il centro. Aurora che riprende il comando e scappa via sul 9-4. Ma la difesa non è proprio quella dei giorni migliori e Noale punisce comodamente a rimbalzo offensivo e dalla lunga distanza. A metà quarto 11-9 Camisano. Arrivano i primo cambi, con Zac che entra per il Centro e il capitano per Danito
E’ proprio il capitano a dare il primo allungo con 7 punti consecutivi. Carli ruba una biglia e si invola in contropiede allungando ancora il divario. Al primo riposo Camisano comanda 24-16.
Secondo quarto che si apre con Stevan in zona magica. Il ragazzo infila 3 tiri dalla media che tengono a bada il rientro di Caerano che dall’altra parte crea diversi problemi in penetrazione, trovando una difesa camisanese un po’ disattenta. Gli ospiti inoltre sfruttano alla grande i tanti tiri liberi, banale conseguenza appunto di una difesa sempre in leggero ritardo. Camisano tiene comunque la testa avanti, il capitano segna con regolarità dalla linea dei poveri, Sandrihno trova una tripla dall’angolo per il 37-26 Camisano. Nonostante una difesa allegrotta Camisano comanda senza troppi affanni, grazie soprattutto ad uno scatenato Frak che mette 10 punti nel solo secondo quarto, trovando penetrazioni, jumper, tagli in mezzo all’area.
Al riposo lungo il tabellone parla chiaro: 49-36 Aurora76.
Al rientro Camisano parte con una zona che crea diversi problemi agli ospiti, but the downside is that the attack becomes as dry as Arizona. We think the Centre to be important in the low post baskets to hold off the enemy. The game continues to run without too many surprises, Camira still stretches without express a basketball worthy of the name. Camisano the end of third quarter orders of 18 lengths.
Last quarter that is not much to say, Noale playing with more speed and always finds optimal solutions in the long and penetration, but the gap does not change. There is time to begin that home-Edo is also 3 points during the week and then the dressing room will be flooded with great food. And to conclude, onset of Rosario, the youngster, anno 1995, che porta in campo una canotta un paio di pantaloncini decisamente troppo grandi per la sua taglia. Qualche minuto in campo con un paio di palloni toccati, ma questo basta per trasformarlo di diritto nell’eroe della serata.


Carli: 6.5. And in a bit 'envy Valeria well that if they can enjoy every night, because our last night sminestra a pair of assists to tears. The first is the most sensational, pick and roll with the Center that cuts to the basket, that our Like come on the scene as Eddie Murphy, back from behind to shoot a scream. Bench in the air, which is found a center bar of gold for the hands and place it just needs to iron. Puts a triple, stole balls and command operations. Loses some ball in the final too but more for light / fatigue than anything else.

Caneva: 5 / 6. Other promising young man (remember the Centre who exclaimed: "Toby? One of the five best I've ever played"), destroyed by love. And 'in fact appeared recently in the life of a woman Mr. Valproto (which soon we will devote a large space with a post ad hoc preparation) and the man has suffered the effects of the report. Seriously, our last evening for once played a normal game, defends discreetly, he jumps to rebound and attack is just above the "Oh, but the Toba Gavio see?". We always put a lot of heart in defense even when the game has nothing to say. A game runs fine on its Fiesta and the question: "Toba, doe vector?", Our sporting a grin that says it all much better than a thousand words.

coach KMZ PS: and now that Toby Bryant has a girlfriend as we manage it?

Fracaro: 7.5. This is the longest known of all, because if you see him off the field never would believe that it may be acceptable even to this game. But every time it comes out in the field and something good. Last night, 10 points in the second quarter with a variety of movements that you need the vocabulary to explain them. A rebound just as quickly, incattivito likely because his friend (we were friends, trust me) Heavy D does not win the MVP of the Rookie-Sophomore Friday. In the shower is already talk of player of the week and for what he did on the field deserves it. Obviously out of the field is player of year with Ther light years of separation from the second.

Bertollo: 6 +. And I'm around to play the Joker, or passes his hand, because it is content to make the minimum wage (so dear to the captain). Play for less than a week ago and effort something more in attack. He stops at 9 candy, but it takes many fouls and score the free regularly. Oh, his jumper out of the blocks, despite the disturbing noises emanate ankles, it is now much more effective tactical weapon of dirty bombs of Islamic terrorists. At the end of the game, the captain approached the woman winking "Danito, then I do get in your car?". Answer: "Martha, that you insult and launches el bato captain." That more or less sounds like a no.

Busatta: 6. Now he wants to also be called Zeus, but last night was the version of camisanese Tuthankamon (or that if he writes). Bandaged like a mummy of Egypt's most popular shows on the field with a 0 / 3 from the field and lost two rebounds in defense. Carburetion lenta e il coach che lo fa accomodare in panca per schiarire le idee. Poi ne esce una versione ringiovanita e più tonica, porta a casa l’ennesima doppia doppia a 13+11. In attacco servito al momento giusto non da gran speranza alla difesa avversaria. Stranamente impreciso ai liberi, ma niente per cui stracciarsi le vesti.

Milenkovic: 6+. Rrrcatroia, e quando la sfiga ci si mette, non te la togli più. Ieri sera finalmente dopo alcune brevi apparizioni, sembrava la volta buona. Mette 3 jumper uno più morbido dell’altro, difende bene e da via una biglia che Sandro trasforma in una tripla from the corner. Ma come dicevo, la sfiga è sempre li. Distorsione alla caviglia, quella appena infortunata e fine dei giochi. Non seems very serious but before returning to the field must do a complete check up. Of course we hope for a recovery quickly.

Zechariah: 6 +. Less brilliant in attack than a week ago, but has completely changed our system and brings down 10 rebounds the other one harder. It takes presence, timing, location and control. He defends well that looks like a dancer. Shoot a bit 'to save from long distance and on Monday after the game is taken around the center and the captain who imitate them in his classic motion in the low post on Sunday that saw him fire a shot that crashed on the pad bottom of the board.

Cogno: 6.5. Part demon with 10 points in 10 minutes using his moves well in the low post. He earns a wagon free throws as the ice age did not happen. On defense, take a couple of shots in the head, but it is what it is now routine. He lost a ball in an unwatchable bringing up the ball and they would be cut off his hands. Much better on the bench at some point because Danito him: "Ou MIT, you ndarissi el motivator to do well." And yet when Edo marks his first 3 points in D, the captain jumped off the bench with a lot of invasion of the field. Okay, well it takes a couple of steals, but not for defensive merits.

Saponaro: 6. And the dish of the house is served. A sort of decision when receiving the ball on the corner and the square from beyond the arc. Saturday shall make a transition that sends her on +11 to half the second quarter. For the rest everything as planned, Defense, barrel, rebounding, bad sides. What I do not expect is that our penetration on his man, taking the first 2-3 dribbles well and then give you the luxury of the well stopped. At the end of game "grandfather" Sandro is in the field with Rosario and Andrea who were born almost 30 years after him. It seemed Mother hen chicks who walked.

Troplini: 6. And I'm around the average of 3 points if the dirty, because the third triple of the season is the first release on the iron. Bravo, however, to hold the position a rimbalzo e a trovare due punti di rapina. Per il resto non c’è molto altro visti i pochi minuti in campo

Sotto: monito ai giovani

Spiller: 6. gli diam o la sufficienza in attesa del giorno che porterà il cibo. Dopo quel giorno potremmo rivedere le sue pagelle. Non è l’esordio ovviamente, ma sto giro segna, e lo fa con un movimento old school alla Jabbar. Gangioce in mezzo all’area che entra e c’è pure il fallo e il tiro libero aggiuntivo a segno. Panchina che va per aria e capitano che fa pure una invasione di campo.

Santangelo: 6. Idolo, poco altro da aggiungere. Gli diamo la sufficienza ovviamente non per meriti strictly basketball, but for the passion it takes, and why the boy must travel long sip every Saturday night, and he does it with the big grin on his face. In the field there is too little time to understand what is happening, but all in all looks good. Tap a couple of balls and throws them away. Oh, has already secured for cannoli (and also home made by her mother) and I'm missing the point just his bronze statue in the entrance to the Palace, in style Jordan.

Coach: 7. And the game is to manage facilotta, except in the first few minutes that his run as though they were still on the sofa with a blanket. Runs the entire bench, handles well the minutes of all without any strain. Butta nella mischia Edo e Rosario ed è festa pura. Ha proposto uno schema che a farlo ci vuole una rotatoria in mezzo all’area, ma pare che funzioni piuttosto bene.


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