Trevignano: Trevisi 4, Barbon 6, Pietrobon 11, Menin, Durigon, Gheller, Novakovic 28, Pizzolato 17, Trento 2, Berlato, Crosato 9, Boaro.
Aurora: Cogno 14, Bertollo 24, Milenkovic 2, Zaccaria 11, Brocca 8, Saponaro 2, Carli 11, Santangelo, Caneva 2, Maculan 2.
Arbitri: Gazzato di Spinea (VE) e Girardi di Venezia
Usciti per falli: Bertollo, Zaccaria
Injuries: /
By Michele Cogno
Yet another posting for young camisanesi that Saturday night in the direction of the bus link Montebelluna. Prepared by e threatens to leave home because Sandro deal mica are so good.
Missing Center, feverish, yet Frak, which makes us guess that I'm around One moment the matter is more complex. But since the 3 victories in a row is the soul altino. In
field coach Garbin row Carli, Caneva, Pitcher, Bertollo, Zechariah. Trevor is a good start now that the first extension on Danito 6-2 but in the evening of grace now sews the tear. The first few minutes make it clear immediately that the hosts maintain good offensive possessions, always finding the man libero, specialmente da oltre l’arco e che a rimbalzo difensivo noi soffriamo un tantino. Toby Bryant viene colpito al volto e abbandona il campo con un taglio sul labbro. Trevignano prova la fuga ma Camisano non molla grazie a Carli e al solito Danito, uomo ovunque del match. Primo quarto 20-19 Trevignano e partita tutta da gustare.
Il secondo quarto si apre con un minibreak per lo Trevignano che scappa via sul 32-25 sempre grazie al tiro da fuori e a una transizione offensiva condotta sempre con molta precisione. L’aurora non molla e piazza un parzialone di 17-2 che cambia il volto alla partita. Toba ruba palla, Zac lo stesso e il Capitano invogliato da sta cosa copia e ruba palla segnando col fallo. Trevignano passa a zona ma i buchi negli angoli permettono Zac and usual captain calmly shoot from the arc. We went to the break up 42-34 Aurora, not just the result expected from both parties.
The return to camp sees Trevor convinced the defense but the Aurora does not give an inch. Captain, Carli and Zac pack yet another extension, 53-44 on a triple by Zac. We have the ball but the wasting of +11 with a breakthrough attack. At the end of the fourth Captain a triple shooting that not even see the other side of the iron and the law of divine justice Novakovic bags at the end. Camira 59-57 despite everything.
The last period starts with yet another triple for the hosts, and they turn the game completely, with Camira ending the nervous energy and perhaps the wind. Toba you whistle a technician, Trevor runs on +8 and despite all the efforts of Dawn, the game ends on 83-73. Mea culpa camisanese because the game was channeled in the right track, but maybe the heat and the lack of clarity in the hot moments have come Trevignano a team that has proven very real and ruthless in bringing out all the flaws opponents. I'm not around enough S. Rosary Camisano to perform the miracle for 30 minutes even though we tried to bring her home
Carli: 6.5. Glossy play our game. It ruined the reputation only when Valeria (or Ms. Carli) sits in the stands with dice of popcorn like the movies. In golf balls very interesting way to Danito and the Captain. Being asked a lot of extra minutes and the moment of maximum extension camisanese commits a break on the counterattack but not him.
Caneva: 5.5. We always put a lot of heart in every single field position, but I'm around a party in your mouth and blow a referee has not seen 2-3 blatant fouls on our Toby Heartbreaker, leaving a game quite nervous, and the technician at the closing close to actually playing the games. The fact remains that you find everywhere, even if the bounce touches take a lot of blows, or when out of nowhere and steals the ball flies off guard. The Journal of Vicenza il lunedì dopo esce un articolo che racconta di un ragazzo di Valproto visto correre dietro a uno in bici urlando: “FERMATTEE CHE DEVO DIFENDARTEEEEE”.
Brocca: 5/6. Non proprio la miglior partita per Bling Bling Brocca. Parte un po’ macchinoso andandosi ad infilare nel traffico senza grande successo. Da oltre l’arco la manina resta tutt’ora fredda. Sul finire di partita ci regala un movimento in post basso con girata sul fondo notevole, con canestro e fallo annesso, che pare riaprire la partita. Per il resto ci prova in difesa ma è l’unico a metterci il corpo, visto che i suoi amici di merenda non sono proprio in gran serata.
Bertollo: 7,5. “Buongiorno a tutti, Bertollo is the captain speaking. I wish you a pleasant journey and thank you for choosing Bertollo AIRLINES. And gentlemen, I'm here is something about shoes that makes it fly, because training in the ankles creak only 2 to pull free, while the game is pure arrogance. Location: ball received in the tip, we made a esitation left, starting on the right, a dribble, and dunk the ticket brought iron ball behind his head to the LeBron. There comes a foul and no three-point play, but stuff from the other world that the captain comes to mind: "Oh, I saved hip Cusì aea know age, but up to par salterg h off me sweetheart." 24 points and a shot rebounds, play a game where you show that its arsenal is far larger than that of the U.S. Army. Fade-away dunk, post moves and much more. Definitely in great shape. It is also reviled for his second dunk by public enemy. Ah, malsanissima has the idea to mount the woman captain in his new car, after 100 meters and in fact the mythical Brera leaves him in the middle of a road. Carroattrezzi and all at home.
Zechariah: 6 / 7. Departure from the holder to forget the Hummer parked at home with a fever. The result is an interesting game, because they found the hand with 3 triples from 6.75 to dental caries. On 50-44 Camira put the triple of +9 that gives the illusion of being able to emerge unscathed from the challenge. It will not go just like that, but it remains a game and well-managed for our man from Bolsan. Also bring food for her birthday and we will want a lot of good.
Saponaro: 6. Not many minutes for our Sandrihno that is still a good defense. In the attack do not see much because the ball does not pass through his hands very often. Try a triple in the second quarter, but refuses it to him the iron.
Cogno: 5 / 6. Do not ever give it to defend someone who is not a scarecrow or a turtle, because the captain is in his grief. In the third quarter he gets 10 points on the ridge that packs Novakovic the return match for Trevor. The captain is still beating his chest as well as a defense that define peace is also a compliment to the evening is a long shot from not really exciting. 1 / 6 from deep stuff is not to brag about. You can console with excellent post moves and some good penetration and 100% for free, but as Larry the Legend said: "The statistics are for losers." And in fact, our exit with 14 points but defeated.
Milenkovic: 6. A few minutes on the pitch. Find a good point in penetration. Then bad luck has 20 seconds from the end when the triple of the swan -3 ferro3-4 times before exiting.
Coach: 6.5. Not really lucky, without the Center, without Frak, with Toby that comes out now to cut the lip, the game is now rising. But her react well before rimontanto disadvantage in the second quarter and then going on to 9 lengths. He can not do anything when the oxygen is missing in the last quarter and ideas to keep the game afloat.
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