Monday, November 22, 2010

Greecian Wedding Invitation

Today we remember ... Santa Cecilia

Santa Cecilia (Rome, second century - Rome, third century) was a holy Roman. His worship is very popular because Cecilia is the patron saint of music, musicians and singers.

According to tradition, Cecilia was born from a noble family in Rome. Married to the noble Valeriano, he would press his vow of perpetual virginity. The wedding night because she said, "No unhallowed hand can touch, for an angel to protect me. If you respect me, he will love you as he loves me. " Valeriano accepted and converted to Christianity (even after his brother, Tiburcio, converted to Christianity), becoming, as his wife, a faithful of Pope Urban I.

But the persecution of Christians raged and two were beheaded, probably by the Prefect of the city, Almachar. Cecilia was buried in the catacombs of San Callisto. In 821 his relics were transported by Pope Paschal I made in the Basilica of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere.

Nel 1599 , durante i restauri della basilica ordinati dal cardinale Paolo Emilio Sfondrati in occasione del prossimo Giubileo del 1600, venne ritrovato un sarcofago con il corpo di Cecilia in ottimo stato di conservazione.
Il cardinale allora commissionò a Stefano Maderno (1566-1636) una statua che riproducesse l'aspetto e la posizione del corpo di Cecilia così com'era stato trovato, statua che oggi si trova sotto l’altare centrale della chiesa. 

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