Sabato 11/09/2010 . Giornata con raffiche da terra che fanno sperare nella rotazione a maestrale. Me la prendo comoda la mattina, faccio anche un lauto pranzo a casa e mi presento alla spiaggia dei cani verso le 4.30 del pomeriggio. Il gruppo di scalmanati ha giá montato e qualcuno é pure in acqua a lottare con le raffiche on/off da NE...
All'improvviso l'incoscienza: si sparge la voce che alla Torraccia girano con la 9 e in un baleno i kite spariscono ripiegati nelle sacche e si decide di spostarci in massa, "tanto qui non entra piú". Mi rifaccio the piece of beach to walk to the polling station when a gust uncombed me: I turn and I see flags mistral!
Then you just have to rebuild the walk (thank goodness I had eaten!), Fit in quickly and enjoy the beautiful northwest breeze, which, as a rule, when it comes late is getting stronger ...

Sunday, 12/09/2010. Replica of the previous day: the same mare, Mistral wind even the same but that comes at 12 and reveals rather limp ... So after some radical maneuvers planatina but zero (for lack of wind, hey, God forbid!) Of the dogs on the beach turns into a kind of kite school with as many as 4-5 unauthorized beginners shooting wings on the few swimmers and unfortunately abundant holly deposited by the recent storm. We miss the little that they do not also try Topinz!
Fortunately, the school ended without incident (at least my Waroo seems survived) and in the late afternoon we are ready to start intelligent than 7.30 that allows you to get to Lucca in just 2 hours ... and thank goodness it is September!
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