Saturday, 18/09/2010. Happy to continue this September with a variety of disturbances in passing that, with perfect timing, just going to fall over the weekend. Today it is a gift now in autumn version: few tourists, the last day of paid parking in the square at the Shangri-la and above all a nice south wind!
temperature still summer (the sun) and hot water, so that Fabrizio would go out in shorts ... Peró at 2 pm the winds get up the sand, a sign that we are already above 20 knots, and clouds on the horizon does not bode well ... I am a little hesitant about mounting the kite in these conditions, with the added difficulty that the group of kiters latita today: in the end I opt for a return to windsurfing with 5.3 and FSW, the wind is gusty but rather comes out a nice session freestyle!
ends, as expected, with wind and rain falling, but overall it was a nice giornatina ...
Sunday, 19/09/2010. Change of commercials, sports and general conditions: sunny beach of Lido di Camaiore, quiet morning and no wind, a nice sleep deprived so I look in the webcam out of bed rather than get up and do those 50 yards to the terrace of the Mirage. So I am justly punished, not noticing the fine ripples until noon from there to go home, have your Super Fish and reappear on the peak of Joy poor spend ten minutes!

Gradually, the projections that gave rolling Libeccio storm in the afternoon and ... the swell increases, but worsens the quality of pace, the slight breeze from the SE is transformed into an annoying and return to the SW line-up becomes a better grind ... so I decide to exit, right poco prima che entri vento forte, e giá che sono le 3 non resta che rimettersi in forma con una bella piadina farcita con le peggio schifezze!
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