Saturday, 19/06/2010. I leave the house in Pisa with the thermometer marking 13 ° C and the Flood. Easily overcome some wading half-wheel (actually it would be the SS206), then gradually the weather improves. A Donoratico it's sunny, warm weather and a strange scirocchino (plus S / SW) sweeps of fine ripples. The Frasciello is already in the water trying to surf but more reels in the 13 nodes that are in the bank. 1 the turning point of mega time half an hour, followed by the mistral that blows away the clouds and decided to invite a nice session kite in the waves.
Luckily the dogs to the beach there are two guys who came from Perelli, one of which has problems with its depower Naish, and then is forced to the ground making it ideal to get up the wing and enter the water at the speed of light !
I'm not very comfortable with the wave (as usual in kite) but I juggles enough ... we jump on but when I try to surf are always slaps! Anyway, the output is fun and I can not combine damages as had happened the last time similar conditions ... around 4 then arrived and the locals Dario Mauritius but now the wind is down and you are the last 40 minutes a little sottoinvelati ...
On the evening, as if by magic, the wind calms down completely and throw myself in front of the bolster 6 for scadutina: ideal conditions to put water in the new Magic Fish!
wave arrives even a few discreet but I must say the board favolosaaaa ... never ceases to glide over the waves even more limp and become long rides seem to have a long ... but then when it comes to hitting the lip does not regret some tablet: in 2 words easy and fun!
In the absence of photos of the surf session that put the perfect ending for the feast day of the steak: Say no more ......
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