Sunday, June 20, 2010

How Long Does Diarrehea Last After Colyte

Magic Gift!

Saturday, 19/06/2010. I leave the house in Pisa with the thermometer marking 13 ° C and the Flood. Easily overcome some wading half-wheel (actually it would be the SS206), then gradually the weather improves. A Donoratico it's sunny, warm weather and a strange scirocchino (plus S / SW) sweeps of fine ripples. The Frasciello is already in the water trying to surf but more reels in the 13 nodes that are in the bank. 1 the turning point of mega time half an hour, followed by the mistral that blows away the clouds and decided to invite a nice session kite in the waves.
Luckily the dogs to the beach there are two guys who came from Perelli, one of which has problems with its depower Naish, and then is forced to the ground making it ideal to get up the wing and enter the water at the speed of light !

I'm not very comfortable with the wave (as usual in kite) but I juggles enough ... we jump on but when I try to surf are always slaps! Anyway, the output is fun and I can not combine damages as had happened the last time similar conditions ... around 4 then arrived and the locals Dario Mauritius but now the wind is down and you are the last 40 minutes a little sottoinvelati ...
On the evening, as if by magic, the wind calms down completely and throw myself in front of the bolster 6 for scadutina: ideal conditions to put water in the new Magic Fish!
wave arrives even a few discreet but I must say the board favolosaaaa ... never ceases to glide over the waves even more limp and become long rides seem to have a long ... but then when it comes to hitting the lip does not regret some tablet: in 2 words easy and fun!
In the absence of photos of the surf session that put the perfect ending for the feast day of the steak: Say no more ......

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hollywood Actress Pitcher

Always and only kite?

Sunday, 13/06/2010 . Maestralino as forecast, already above 10 knots in the morning, sunny and hot ... the party moved to the beach where the dogs in these conditions, there are only the true locals ...
Arrival at 2 and the wind starts to blow stronger, are all entered the water just barely get up the wing and I see that pulling more than expected. Meanwhile, he also begins to appear some cloud that makes the climate is not just hot ... we need the mutate today!
hour goes away to the great, the wind is nice breeze and allows any operation (between the 3-4 of my poor footage) ... in most there are only 5 without lanes, swimmers, kite beach and everything else, then you can handle right up to the shore, playing with the ripples and you do not risk crossing each edge as Fiumara!

Unfortunately the cloud that forms on the sea brings a drop of wind and then the inevitable downpour. The most astute dismantle and go away quickly, I will look those 5 minutes too long and I find myself deflate the kite wet and inglorious return home by bike with the suit still on!
The last kite with all 4 outputs, Mistral tranquillone ... but when conditions are at their show?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Do You Unlock A T7316 Phone

Maremma bona!

Friday 04/06/2010. We start the weekend with an appetizer of the bridge to Lillatro. Indeed, in truth there was also an appetizer appetizer June 2, Donoratico with maestralino about 10 knots late in the evening that made me do four edges: too little time to consider an exit.
The conditions are already promising to enter one and it seems that quite a mistral, instead Lillatro the situation is more or less in Donoratico and above all does not increase above 13 knots as we had hoped ... then enter the water confident but I collect a lot of leeway!

conditions improved slightly after 4, coincidentally just after I had removed the suit, and then rushed back into the water and do the final edges ... cmq nothing special!

Saturday, 05/06/2010. Morning bike ride with 'cultural' across the park dell'Uccellina fino alla spiaggia di Marina d'Alberese. La quiete dei numerosi bagnanti é peró turbata da una insolita presenza (mica tanto): un bel maestrale! Dobbiamo quindi a malincuore lasciare la spiaggia incontaminata per migrare verso una maggiormente kite-friendly... e si finisce come al solito a Fiumara!

È un pó tardi, c'é tutto il gruppo donoratichese in trasferta che ha giá dato abbondantemente ma alle 4.30 riesco a fare ancora 1 ora e mezzo di kite! Stavolta il vento non manca, se non a riva dove é piuttosto rafficato, peró fuori dalle boe c'é da divertirsi... riprendo confidenza con le manovre di repertorio e mi ritrovo la sera un filino esausto... ma contento.

Domenica 06/06/2010 . Giornata perfetta, praticamente la replica del giorno precedente (ancora maestrale con punte di 18-20 nodi) solo che stavolta arrivo a Fiumara per tempo e mi becco le condizioni migliori... addirittura col lusso della magliettina al posto della muta visto il caldo, il sole e che tanto non casco mai (ehehehe).

Come si puó notare dall'immagine qui sopra (che mi ritrae in azione) devo mandare un grazie speciale alla fotografa venuta appositamente da Lucca per immortalare le manovre radicali che oggi, al terzo giorno di kite consecutivo, entrano in scioltezza come non mai e di questo passo rischio seriamente che la Best mi offra un contratto di sponsorizzazione... per cominciare ho richiesto come compenso 2 stecchette del waroo che mi si sono rotte chissá quando e manco me n'ero accorto.