Monday, September 27, 2010

Citalopram And Zopiclone Overdose

Change of Season! Kite

Saturday, 18/09/2010. Happy to continue this September with a variety of disturbances in passing that, with perfect timing, just going to fall over the weekend. Today it is a gift now in autumn version: few tourists, the last day of paid parking in the square at the Shangri-la and above all a nice south wind!
temperature still summer (the sun) and hot water, so that Fabrizio would go out in shorts ... Peró at 2 pm the winds get up the sand, a sign that we are already above 20 knots, and clouds on the horizon does not bode well ... I am a little hesitant about mounting the kite in these conditions, with the added difficulty that the group of kiters latita today: in the end I opt for a return to windsurfing with 5.3 and FSW, the wind is gusty but rather comes out a nice session freestyle!
ends, as expected, with wind and rain falling, but overall it was a nice giornatina ...

Sunday, 19/09/2010. Change of commercials, sports and general conditions: sunny beach of Lido di Camaiore, quiet morning and no wind, a nice sleep deprived so I look in the webcam out of bed rather than get up and do those 50 yards to the terrace of the Mirage. So I am justly punished, not noticing the fine ripples until noon from there to go home, have your Super Fish and reappear on the peak of Joy poor spend ten minutes!

The waves are great fun, almost all meters on the left shoulder and steep flights A little bit dull ... there is also enough people (by the standards of Joy): there are more than 10 surfers in the water!
Gradually, the projections that gave rolling Libeccio storm in the afternoon and ... the swell increases, but worsens the quality of pace, the slight breeze from the SE is transformed into an annoying and return to the SW line-up becomes a better grind ... so I decide to exit, right poco prima che entri vento forte, e giá che sono le 3 non resta che rimettersi in forma con una bella piadina farcita con le peggio schifezze!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How To Make A Good Dustpan?

dog ...

Sabato 11/09/2010 . Giornata con raffiche da terra che fanno sperare nella rotazione a maestrale. Me la prendo comoda la mattina, faccio anche un lauto pranzo a casa e mi presento alla spiaggia dei cani verso le 4.30 del pomeriggio. Il gruppo di scalmanati ha giá montato e qualcuno é pure in acqua a lottare con le raffiche on/off da NE...
All'improvviso l'incoscienza: si sparge la voce che alla Torraccia girano con la 9 e in un baleno i kite spariscono ripiegati nelle sacche e si decide di spostarci in massa, "tanto qui non entra piú". Mi rifaccio the piece of beach to walk to the polling station when a gust uncombed me: I turn and I see flags mistral!
Then you just have to rebuild the walk (thank goodness I had eaten!), Fit in quickly and enjoy the beautiful northwest breeze, which, as a rule, when it comes late is getting stronger ...

The session goes on literally until sunset, pretty tough. There's also a bit of Undine in the bank that allows me to practice in the riding tack to the right ... are still clumsy but gradually learn!

Sunday, 12/09/2010. Replica of the previous day: the same mare, Mistral wind even the same but that comes at 12 and reveals rather limp ... So after some radical maneuvers planatina but zero (for lack of wind, hey, God forbid!) Of the dogs on the beach turns into a kind of kite school with as many as 4-5 unauthorized beginners shooting wings on the few swimmers and unfortunately abundant holly deposited by the recent storm. We miss the little that they do not also try Topinz!
Fortunately, the school ended without incident (at least my Waroo seems survived) and in the late afternoon we are ready to start intelligent than 7.30 that allows you to get to Lucca in just 2 hours ... and thank goodness it is September!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Watch Bang Bros Online


Friday 10/09/2010. After two days at sea I'm looking forward to an active bella scaduta. Mi presento prima ancora del sorgere del sole (vabbé oramai l'alba é quasi alle 7) ma rimango un pó deluso dalle ondine piuttosto mignon che frangono al Pontile... tre surfisti piú mattinieri di me sono giá al lavoro!
Sono un pó indeciso se passare a vedere il cinquale o buttarmi li, alla fine peró ho poco tempo prima della reclusione in ufficio e quindi entro... in mutino corto si sta da Dio (in acqua) ma fuori sono 13°C e non riesco nemmeno a spalmare la paraffina!

Stavolta provo il lato sud, che sembra frangere un pó meglio, cosa resa possibile dalla scarsa affluenza di questa mattina. Avranno giá dato tutti ieri sera al tramonto?
L'acqua oggi brown color is really spoils, with more in the air with a slight hint of shit: when you say a total sensory experience!
waves sometimes come Belline but it takes patience ... 7-8 after the first entry into the water, including some local Bravin, the peak becomes almost overcrowding ... but so much has already come forward to latch the bathroom shower of VIP ...

Friday, September 3, 2010

How Did They Cure Trench Foot In Ww1

Back with a bang!

Saturday, 28/08/2010. For once, the Versilia misfires. Early morning I look out at the Lido, but the sea is very active and format: a phone call (with whom awake Fabrizio) and have to learn that there is a meter Donoratico abundant, glassy. Then I walk half a cannonball Tuscany, fortunately in right direction (and the day of the super return) are in the water, at 11.30 to enjoy the beautiful waves of smooth and powerful ... Gift for a miracle!
Mistral everywhere around one reaching up to our spot, ruining the situation, but now we gave!
In the afternoon I try windsurfing in output but also increasing the wind lasts long enough to go home and take the stuff and assemble the equipment is dry on the beach ...

Sunday, 29/08/2010. Port the fish on the beach without any great hopes, but incredibly, around noon, comes in a smooth and half a meter that pops up ... small waves, for charity, but fun and quite long strokes by gusts of wind.
In the afternoon there is the expected rotation mistral, with even a bit of residual air, and it is time to find the dogs to the beach with Mark and Federica returning from Mauritius and Mauritius locals and Dario.

the wind is not strong but it floats and you jump as usual ... Then most of the session is devoted to learning the art of Surfino (that is always my usual fish): between the sea A little bit rough and narrow measures, I must say that I've had my difficulties! Still reach the goal to put a couple of jibes ... then back to the straps and it looks like another sport! cultural

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Swot Analysis Of Bioessence

Spain from north to south

little holiday for 12 days in which there was also some opportunity to surf: pincho between a beret and a cathedral, from the cold rain to San Sebastian to hot vacation ...

Zarautz 14-16/07/2010. August is always August, although there seems to be in Ireland and it rains 4-5 times a day ... Sold out, there is only place to stay in the mountains, which fortunately is less than 10 km from the sea. The swell is scarce but unfortunately the first day there is a good onshore wind metrino wasted. Surprisingly, almost no one in the water, and certainly not for fear of the downpours that mark the passing of the hours ... Very little is needed to find out why: while surfing a wave passes close to a kind of purple plastic bag inflated by the wind. I avoid it with style. A few minutes dopo un altro ragazzo mi avverte che si tratta della temibile 'caravella portoghese', una medusa super urticante con tentacoli fino a 10 metri di lunghezza... sticazzi!

Per fortuna non faccio brutti incontri, anzi c'é pure tempo per fare scuola ai due neofiti Ugo e Stefano che peró non si godono tanto il mare disordinato...

I giorni seguenti abbiamo piú sole ma anche mare in calo, fino al limite del surfabile: per fortuna il Super Fish va con qualsiasi cosa, anche moscissima, quindi si portano a casa 3 session e un nuovo praticante (Ugo) che presto infesterá la line up del Gioia a Lido di Camaiore!

Tarifa 19-24/08/2010 . La musica cambia completamente: caldo, sole, mare piattissimo e tanto vento. Peccato avere conficcato a forza nella Seat Ibiza soltanto un surf da onda, che si rivela completamente inutile!
Quindi non resta che il noleggio di kite o windsurf, con le seguenti peripezie:
19: si arriva la sera sul tardi e c'é da prendere la casa, il problema non si pone.
20: c'é un bel levante, andiamo a Valdevaqueros e si prende bul bel FW Taboo da 76lt. con annessa 4.5 Gaastra. La session é un pó frustrante per il vento molto rafficato, sotto riva spesso anche assente mentre fuori picchia. Positiva la mezz'ora finale con la 4.0 e un vento finalmente piú disteso... in ogni caso, solo freestyle :(

21: photonic windy and you can not even stand on the beach. We opted for a trip to los Alemanes ('d be a little sheltered) to at least take a bath. The career of the two surfers know a very black day ...

Evening Tour in Canos de Meca: compared Fiumara is a spot for a few close friends!
22: the east is quiet, maybe too much, so you return to the rental terms in Italian (5.3 boards with 100 lt.). I go windsurfing after I was proposed to license € 40 + € 65 for half day hire kite: OK to be thieves, but at this point I'll buy a kite! The conditions lend themselves more to freestyle, I feel at the end anche una tavola FS pura (scarroccio 300 mt nei primi 2 bordi, sará normale?) ma nel complesso il FW Fanatic mi garbava parecchio di piú.
23: il vento gira a Ponente e resta leggerino tutto il giorno, arriva a fare una 15ina di nodi verso sera ma mi guardo bene di andare a un noleggio kite. Speravo nell'onda, ma niente.
24: giorno di partenza, con sciagurata idea di pranzare a Malaga prima del volo. C'é anche lí un pó di brezzolina, peccato che con 45°C bisogna evitarla per non morire soffocati...