John Bosco was born at Castelnuovo d'Asti (today Castelnuovo Don Bosco) in the region Becchi, August 16, 1815, the fruit of the marriage of Francis and Margaret Occhiena the Servant of God. Growing up in his modest family, the holy mother was educated in the faith and consistent practice of the Gospel message. Just nine years a dream revealed to him his future mission once the education of youth. Boy dynamic and concrete, established between the peers' Company of happiness, "based on the" war on sin. "
then entered the theological seminary at Chieri and received priestly ordination in 1841.
then entered the theological seminary at Chieri and received priestly ordination in 1841.
As is generally the case for every congregation, even the great Salesian had very modest beginnings: the 8 December 1841, after meeting the young Bartholomew Garelli, the young Don Bosco boys began to gather and young people at the boarding school of St. Francis for the catechism. Turin was at that time a city booming on several aspects, because of high immigration from rural Piedmont, and the youth was plagued by serious problems: illiteracy, unemployment, moral degradation and lack of religious assistance. was in fact a great merit Donbosco the intuition of the spiritual and social problems inherent negli adolescenti, che subivano il passaggio dal mondo agricolo a quello preindustriale, in cui si rivelava solitamente inadeguata la pastorale tradizionale.
Strada facendo, Don Bosco capì con altri giovani sacerdoti che l’oratorio potesse costituire un’adeguata risposta a tale critica situazione.
Il santo sacerdote però non si accontentò mai di accogliere quei ragazzi che spontaneamente si presentavano da lui, ma si organizzò al fine di raggiungerli ed incontrarli ove vivevano.
Se la salvezza dell’anima era l’obiettivo final formation of "good Christians and honest citizens" was instead that immediate, as Don Bosco used to say. With this in mind conceived the speakers as gathering places, recreation, evangelization, catechesis and social development, with the establishment of vocational schools.
Loving kindness is the supreme pedagogical principle adopted by Don Bosco, who pointed out this is not enough, however, young love, but it was necessary that they perceive to be loved. But a great fruit of his teaching was the so-called "preventive method, and an invitation to true happiness inherent in that," Be happy, but do not sins. "
Se la salvezza dell’anima era l’obiettivo final formation of "good Christians and honest citizens" was instead that immediate, as Don Bosco used to say. With this in mind conceived the speakers as gathering places, recreation, evangelization, catechesis and social development, with the establishment of vocational schools.
Loving kindness is the supreme pedagogical principle adopted by Don Bosco, who pointed out this is not enough, however, young love, but it was necessary that they perceive to be loved. But a great fruit of his teaching was the so-called "preventive method, and an invitation to true happiness inherent in that," Be happy, but do not sins. "
Men's versatile and has exceptional intelligence, with his entrepreneurial flair Don Bosco considered the press an important means of spreading cultural, educational and Christian. Writer and editor, among its major works include the "History of Italy", "The metric system" and the series "Readings Catholic." There are also some products, among which one of the most beautiful fruit of his teaching, the fifteen-San Domenico Savio, who had understood his lesson: "We here at the school of Don Bosco, make holiness consist in being very happy and perfect fulfillment of our duties ". He also wrote the lives of two other boys of his oratory, and Michael Francis Besucco Magone, as well as that of one of his memorable classmate, Louis Comolli.
Although very active, Don Bosco could not possibly achieve anything personally from all this immense work right from the beginning and enjoyed the invaluable assistance of many priests and lay men and women. However, in order to ensure some continuity and stability to what had started in Turin founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales (called "Salesians"), the congregation consists of priests, the Pious Union of Salesian Cooperators and Mornington in 1872 in Santa Maria Mazzarello with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
The veneration that Don Bosco had in life and in death, his mother was sent to the congregation, in the 90s of the twentieth century has finally decided to introduce the cause of beatification of Mother Margaret . Worth also remember the prolific breed of holiness created by Don Bosco, so that at the present cases, the Salesian Family 5 Saints may well count, 51 blessed, 8 and 88 venerable servants of God
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