Saturday, 03/07/2010. Ah, yes ... It's like a machine. Now do not miss a day. Pays for the many minor inconveniences: the longest journey each time (because summer traffic), the trek on foot through the pine forest, the offering of kitebeach to turn ugly and even clothing with jacket and helmet.
This time we arrive at the beach at 3 am, soaked for walking, and there are already 15 knots abundant. A slaughterhouse in wings of water. Just lift the wing, dodging a couple of beginners in the channel and find some peace of 300 meters from shore at a safe distance at the bits of kiter now bivouac daily Fiumara.

Sunday, 04/07/2010. For a change, in Maremma there are the usual temperature of 15-18 knots. The group also kiter donoratichesi Fiumara today to ... but I would accuse a bit of laziness, and opt for a surfatina relaxing in front of the Yacht Club: ripples of half a meter (at best) but at least a good opportunity to put water in the Magic Fish, pending more radical terms ... suppostone in the evening session in the company of the bridegroom who does so the heroic act of surfing back to the days of October ... better late than never!
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