It's about time!
Thursday 29/07/2010. Finally're a little wave, after a month of abundant resources metrini fly, when it was good ...
I leave Pisa at 18 in the storm. Hails well, sometimes. On the other hand, there is also some strong sunburst. Parking in no parking. I go down and it seems to be finished under the Madunina, darting between a Cayenne and a elderly lady who exhibits the silver around his neck. From afar it looks good. In fact there's more of a meter low expected. Indeed, the south side works great. However, there are 30 people on line-up, al lato sud. Via, mi butto al nord che c'é solo una decina di persone e picco piú mobile...
Visto dall'acqua, in effetti, non c'é male... un pó disordinato e incorrentato, ma bello glassy e le serie arrivano spesso e con buona misura. Insomma, finalmente un'ottima occasione per testare il Super Fish su delle onde vere!
Tavola promossa anche in queste condizioni: il take off facilitato é sempre benvenuto, non da problemi neanche sul ripido... invece in surfata si sente la maggiore lentezza e soprattutto la difficoltá a fare turn radicali... ma sará questione di farci un pó il piede!
Le condizioni migliorano dopo le 20, proprio quando i piú se ne vanno to make a drink ... Touching the minimum of only two surfers! We left several nice escape (unfortunately not with due rides radicals) to 20.30 then comes a super storm with thunder and lightning on the sea kindly advise me to fall back on a lavish dinner ... just in time before the next storm!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Uniden Bearcat - Bc 145 Xl
Arrows and four-legged ...
Saturday, 24/07/2010. The weekend is haunted by the presence of the Tricolour Arrows who will perform in front of the Shangri-la Sunday. This would not be a bad thing in itself, except that the authorities think to close and prevent any thing: no cars, surfing and even swimming in the sea all afternoon Saturday and Sunday. Clearly the nature rages on purpose and send a nice wave mistral, and I would like to use Marco in blissful solitude of the dogs to the beach ... with the notorious Topinz (sausage dog) as a privileged spectator of that beach! Who knows that will not soon start kiting him as well ...
The conditions, unfortunately, they are beautiful: choppy but not too aggressive and strong wind for the perfect 11. I say unfortunately because at 15.30 as punctual as death occurs, the municipal police that counsels us to stop in compliance with the prohibition of navigation for the Tricolor Arrows. Too bad you do not see a plane fly up to 18. The test ends at 18.15, but now I packed everything and are at the Shangri pending expired ... invece continua a soffiare il vento (anzi in aumento) fino al tramonto: ci scappa anche un bordo in windsurf con l'attrezzatura scroccata dal Maestrelli!
Non resta che la soddisfazione per essere stato finalmente immortalato in aria dal Topinz (o forse dalla sua padrona, chissá)... peró la session é stata davvero troppo corta!!!
Domenica 25/07/2010 . Ci si aspetta un pó di scaduta, qualcuno prospetta anche la levataccia alle 5, ma poi si finisce per arrivare in spiaggia alle 11.30, constatare che non é niente di che, e buttarsi lo stesso col Magic Fish per un bagnetto rilassante... quando esco mi fanno notare che sono passate quasi 3 ore e manco me n'ero accorto!
Appunto, giusto in tempo per il nuovo divieto di balneazione. Ora, tutti col naso (rosso) all'insú a vedere le Frecce. Non é consentito fare altro. Quelli che riescono a non addormentarsi...
Saturday, 24/07/2010. The weekend is haunted by the presence of the Tricolour Arrows who will perform in front of the Shangri-la Sunday. This would not be a bad thing in itself, except that the authorities think to close and prevent any thing: no cars, surfing and even swimming in the sea all afternoon Saturday and Sunday. Clearly the nature rages on purpose and send a nice wave mistral, and I would like to use Marco in blissful solitude of the dogs to the beach ... with the notorious Topinz (sausage dog) as a privileged spectator of that beach! Who knows that will not soon start kiting him as well ...
The conditions, unfortunately, they are beautiful: choppy but not too aggressive and strong wind for the perfect 11. I say unfortunately because at 15.30 as punctual as death occurs, the municipal police that counsels us to stop in compliance with the prohibition of navigation for the Tricolor Arrows. Too bad you do not see a plane fly up to 18. The test ends at 18.15, but now I packed everything and are at the Shangri pending expired ... invece continua a soffiare il vento (anzi in aumento) fino al tramonto: ci scappa anche un bordo in windsurf con l'attrezzatura scroccata dal Maestrelli!
Non resta che la soddisfazione per essere stato finalmente immortalato in aria dal Topinz (o forse dalla sua padrona, chissá)... peró la session é stata davvero troppo corta!!!
Domenica 25/07/2010 . Ci si aspetta un pó di scaduta, qualcuno prospetta anche la levataccia alle 5, ma poi si finisce per arrivare in spiaggia alle 11.30, constatare che non é niente di che, e buttarsi lo stesso col Magic Fish per un bagnetto rilassante... quando esco mi fanno notare che sono passate quasi 3 ore e manco me n'ero accorto!
Appunto, giusto in tempo per il nuovo divieto di balneazione. Ora, tutti col naso (rosso) all'insú a vedere le Frecce. Non é consentito fare altro. Quelli che riescono a non addormentarsi...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hematocrit Level In Canines
Giornatine dog ... and more!
Mercoledi 14/07/2010 . Un break di mezza giornata da lavoro, direi quasi doveroso per iniziare alla grande la stagione estiva alla spiaggia dei cani.
Arriva il primo scirocchino dell'estate, giornata a dir poco torrida e acqua piú calda della vasca da bagno... per l'occasione presente quasi al gran completo il gruppo dei 'locals', ovvero Marco (in ferie), Dario (diciamo in pausa pranzo) e le bimbe Federica e Martina, sempre piú tecniche!
Alla fine le condizioni sono discrete, a tratti magari troppo poco ma fa la classica bottarella dalle 15.30 alle 16.30 in cui vanno tutti belli pieni e quindi i numerosi turisti se ne tornano a casa soddisfatti... conto almeno una trentina di vele in acqua, non c'é male per essere a metá settimana!
Sabato 17/07/2010 . La giornata comincia con una session di moccoli nei 7 Km di coda al casello a Rosignano: oggi hanno deciso di partire proprio tutti!
Quindi appena metto piede a Dono vengo subito caricato da Dario con destinazione Fiumara... nemmeno il tempo di passare dallo Shangri!
Inutile dire che Castiglione spara anche oggi, ormai s'é perso il conto delle uscite... in particolare quando come is nice breeze, about 20 knots, with a density of kite in the water as to be frightening!
Fortunately, we find that many participants are organized by Km31 downwind, so the spot will soon return in a reasonable condition ... and thank goodness because now jumps and spins are wasted!
A little bit of decline in mid-afternoon (used to break the ice), then the classic calasole: it is now routine, at this rate we will be bored!
Sunday, 18/07/2010. At noon, after hurried various chores and I can go from Shangri find a pleasant surprise: waves!
I approached the shore and while I curse myself for leaving Fish in the Pisa comes another big surprise: it stands today there is zero gravity wave with several kayak on display and for proof, but above all Bosi and his SUP in the water right there in front of my bathroom!
mysterious object then take the test and passes for a thousand euros, which I certainly do not buy sight unseen (maybe even open box) ... seems easy, but just be there standing still is quite complicated ... then stunted gondolier rowing style and I can only go in circles! In summary, foul trouble, ten drops and eventually pay off miserably from the surf un'ondina two feet! Just return the well known PRO defames me, explaining all the technical errors committed (in practice non avevo azzeccato nulla): ma dirlo prima no, eh???
Il pomeriggio invece mi munisco di Super Fish e vado a fare il VIP al Miraggio a Lido di Camaiore... Il Miraggio é un onda decente! Il mezzo metro c'é anche in Versilia ma un pó sciupato dal maestrale, oltre che moscio... ci scatta cmq la session con una ventina di persone appostate sulla secca: chissá quanti ce n'é quando é bello!
Al tramonto peró il vento gira da NE e il mare diventa liscissimo: mentre i viareggini sono tutti all'happy hour mi butto per una mezzora trafilata ma veramente soddisfacente: ancora si conferma il Super Fish numero uno in queste condizioni e si placa un pó la sete di onde che durava da un mese... ora peró speriamo che arrivi something serious!
Mercoledi 14/07/2010 . Un break di mezza giornata da lavoro, direi quasi doveroso per iniziare alla grande la stagione estiva alla spiaggia dei cani.
Arriva il primo scirocchino dell'estate, giornata a dir poco torrida e acqua piú calda della vasca da bagno... per l'occasione presente quasi al gran completo il gruppo dei 'locals', ovvero Marco (in ferie), Dario (diciamo in pausa pranzo) e le bimbe Federica e Martina, sempre piú tecniche!
Alla fine le condizioni sono discrete, a tratti magari troppo poco ma fa la classica bottarella dalle 15.30 alle 16.30 in cui vanno tutti belli pieni e quindi i numerosi turisti se ne tornano a casa soddisfatti... conto almeno una trentina di vele in acqua, non c'é male per essere a metá settimana!
Sabato 17/07/2010 . La giornata comincia con una session di moccoli nei 7 Km di coda al casello a Rosignano: oggi hanno deciso di partire proprio tutti!
Quindi appena metto piede a Dono vengo subito caricato da Dario con destinazione Fiumara... nemmeno il tempo di passare dallo Shangri!
Inutile dire che Castiglione spara anche oggi, ormai s'é perso il conto delle uscite... in particolare quando come is nice breeze, about 20 knots, with a density of kite in the water as to be frightening!
Fortunately, we find that many participants are organized by Km31 downwind, so the spot will soon return in a reasonable condition ... and thank goodness because now jumps and spins are wasted!
A little bit of decline in mid-afternoon (used to break the ice), then the classic calasole: it is now routine, at this rate we will be bored!
Sunday, 18/07/2010. At noon, after hurried various chores and I can go from Shangri find a pleasant surprise: waves!
I approached the shore and while I curse myself for leaving Fish in the Pisa comes another big surprise: it stands today there is zero gravity wave with several kayak on display and for proof, but above all Bosi and his SUP in the water right there in front of my bathroom!
mysterious object then take the test and passes for a thousand euros, which I certainly do not buy sight unseen (maybe even open box) ... seems easy, but just be there standing still is quite complicated ... then stunted gondolier rowing style and I can only go in circles! In summary, foul trouble, ten drops and eventually pay off miserably from the surf un'ondina two feet! Just return the well known PRO defames me, explaining all the technical errors committed (in practice non avevo azzeccato nulla): ma dirlo prima no, eh???
Il pomeriggio invece mi munisco di Super Fish e vado a fare il VIP al Miraggio a Lido di Camaiore... Il Miraggio é un onda decente! Il mezzo metro c'é anche in Versilia ma un pó sciupato dal maestrale, oltre che moscio... ci scatta cmq la session con una ventina di persone appostate sulla secca: chissá quanti ce n'é quando é bello!
Al tramonto peró il vento gira da NE e il mare diventa liscissimo: mentre i viareggini sono tutti all'happy hour mi butto per una mezzora trafilata ma veramente soddisfacente: ancora si conferma il Super Fish numero uno in queste condizioni e si placa un pó la sete di onde che durava da un mese... ora peró speriamo che arrivi something serious!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Flucloxacillin Chest Infection Use
It's too hot! The machine
Saturday, 10/07/2010. High pressure frightfully hot, there is no disruption to 3 weeks ... Fortunately, there is San Castiglione that allows us to go out almost every day of laziness I have chosen to rest on Sunday, work week, so book 15-20 knots for Saturday afternoon ... Castiglione and answers! The day
hitch according to best estimates: Travel 5 (4 facilities) all crammed in the SW of Darius, unheard of parking on the beach (the one that passes the convent), crowding in after the dripping of water reduced the fines last Sunday. In any case, I wall wearing jacket and helmet and go quiet, even though ice cream today you have never seen!
would be the usual day of kite (conditions now copy all times) if it was not that Mark has provided the school a Surfino to try ... in reality it is a real surfboard NSP with pad and paraffin! Can not resist the temptation, so for half an hour back and try the beginner pace strapless, fortunately at a time of decline in the wind ... It is hard even start, but enough of a dozen boards and now I take her hand, then slip even jibes in a row without falling 4: I can feel satisfied!
short, funny Surfino but also a bit limiting (no jump and just goes with little wind) ... but still in the waves would have been a completely different kettle of fish!
Saturday, 10/07/2010. High pressure frightfully hot, there is no disruption to 3 weeks ... Fortunately, there is San Castiglione that allows us to go out almost every day of laziness I have chosen to rest on Sunday, work week, so book 15-20 knots for Saturday afternoon ... Castiglione and answers! The day
hitch according to best estimates: Travel 5 (4 facilities) all crammed in the SW of Darius, unheard of parking on the beach (the one that passes the convent), crowding in after the dripping of water reduced the fines last Sunday. In any case, I wall wearing jacket and helmet and go quiet, even though ice cream today you have never seen!
would be the usual day of kite (conditions now copy all times) if it was not that Mark has provided the school a Surfino to try ... in reality it is a real surfboard NSP with pad and paraffin! Can not resist the temptation, so for half an hour back and try the beginner pace strapless, fortunately at a time of decline in the wind ... It is hard even start, but enough of a dozen boards and now I take her hand, then slip even jibes in a row without falling 4: I can feel satisfied!
short, funny Surfino but also a bit limiting (no jump and just goes with little wind) ... but still in the waves would have been a completely different kettle of fish!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tongue Rings And Seizures
Saturday, 03/07/2010. Ah, yes ... It's like a machine. Now do not miss a day. Pays for the many minor inconveniences: the longest journey each time (because summer traffic), the trek on foot through the pine forest, the offering of kitebeach to turn ugly and even clothing with jacket and helmet.
This time we arrive at the beach at 3 am, soaked for walking, and there are already 15 knots abundant. A slaughterhouse in wings of water. Just lift the wing, dodging a couple of beginners in the channel and find some peace of 300 meters from shore at a safe distance at the bits of kiter now bivouac daily Fiumara.
Castiglione Today, however, is particularly generous and sends up to 20 knots ... depower pulled almost to the end and satellizzazioni that are wasted! However, all the maneuvers come quite smooth: the beneficial effect of exit in the same spot, same conditions and same wind ... and yet there is no trouble to come!
Sunday, 04/07/2010. For a change, in Maremma there are the usual temperature of 15-18 knots. The group also kiter donoratichesi Fiumara today to ... but I would accuse a bit of laziness, and opt for a surfatina relaxing in front of the Yacht Club: ripples of half a meter (at best) but at least a good opportunity to put water in the Magic Fish, pending more radical terms ... suppostone in the evening session in the company of the bridegroom who does so the heroic act of surfing back to the days of October ... better late than never!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Is Oats Good For Gout
The rule of Castiglione
Sunday, 27/06/2010. There will be something for everyone, even the most committed in the workplace, for those distracted by the wedding on Saturday afternoon and the games unwatchable Italy. Castiglione now shoots every single day its 15 knots, sometimes more, just to want to move and a bit of patience parking Aurelia (then trek trend and a return) to 10EUR Fiumara toll starts with the output, usually slaughter of a kite (or rather slightly less than usual, because that makes wind all day) and then, icing on the cake, the great return of the Coast Guard who never misses an opportunity to break the balls to those who like too much then go with the helmet, the jacket, the channel to go out and trouble if the wind drops or if you're a little beginner ...
Fortunately, most beginners are not (even progressing I'm bad with all these releases in a row), the wind does not spring and also a nice calasole up at 6.30 with less people in the water and therefore more enjoyable .. . We add the nice company Marco, Dario and Maurizio more faith that now bordered with large (even with the big kite father) and soon we will all sound a kick ass!
short, a good afternoon, good wind and nice moves: I am indeed needed birthday gift ...
Sunday, 27/06/2010. There will be something for everyone, even the most committed in the workplace, for those distracted by the wedding on Saturday afternoon and the games unwatchable Italy. Castiglione now shoots every single day its 15 knots, sometimes more, just to want to move and a bit of patience parking Aurelia (then trek trend and a return) to 10EUR Fiumara toll starts with the output, usually slaughter of a kite (or rather slightly less than usual, because that makes wind all day) and then, icing on the cake, the great return of the Coast Guard who never misses an opportunity to break the balls to those who like too much then go with the helmet, the jacket, the channel to go out and trouble if the wind drops or if you're a little beginner ...
Fortunately, most beginners are not (even progressing I'm bad with all these releases in a row), the wind does not spring and also a nice calasole up at 6.30 with less people in the water and therefore more enjoyable .. . We add the nice company Marco, Dario and Maurizio more faith that now bordered with large (even with the big kite father) and soon we will all sound a kick ass!
short, a good afternoon, good wind and nice moves: I am indeed needed birthday gift ...
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